This GitHub repository accompanies the Amnesty International report and appendix “From paper to practice: Kosovo must keep its commitments to domestic violence survivors” (Index No: EUR 73/7123/2023, EUR 73/7124/2023). The report used an innovative mixed-methods research approach to capture the experiences of survivors of domestic violence in Kosovo from multiple perspectives. The mixed-methods approach involved interviews with survivors and experts; desk research, including reviews of existing literature and media articles; formal requests to relevant officials for public information access; and quantitative analysis of a representative sample of court judgments. The report and appendix are available at
The appendix (EUR7371242023ENGLISH.pdf) provides more detail on each aspect of the quantitative research methodology (Section A), in-depth empirical analysis of the judgment data (Section B), and a codebook that describes the manual coding procedure employed (Section C). The data on court decisions, defendants and victims is provided in this GitHub repository.