- Algeria
- Pro
aero_app Public
Application mobile pour génération des relevés des mailles aéronotiques ( sections aéroportuaires)
homework_fall2021 Public
Forked from berkeleydeeprlcourse/homework_fall2021Assignments for Berkeley CS 285: Deep Reinforcement Learning (Fall 2021)
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedDec 10, 2021 -
cpython Public
Forked from python/cpythonThe Python programming language
Python Other UpdatedJan 14, 2021 -
CoronaWatchAdmin Public
Application web pour le suivi du virus corona
JavaScript UpdatedJul 7, 2020 -
ger-BLAS-with-Halide Public
This is halide implementation of ger function -Performs a rank-1 update of a general matrix. -
Java Updated
May 8, 2020 -
Unit-and-Functional-testing Public
Unit testing using junit and mockito. Functional testing using selenium webdriver
HTML UpdatedMay 7, 2020 -
Find-Your-Translator Public
Help people to find translators for their websites, documents, scientific articles...
CSS UpdatedMay 7, 2020 -
Kotlin Updated
May 4, 2020 -
JavaFx and mysql: Desktop application for doctors to help them managing patient appointments
Jenkins-GetStarted- Public
Java API Continious Integration with Jenkins
Implementation of GOF patterns (Creational, Structural, Behavioural)
Java UpdatedJan 31, 2020 -
WTM-Algiers-Website Public
Forked from WTM-Algiers/WTM-Algiers-WebsiteThe Official WTM Algiers Website