A geographic Python library to extract Open Street Map roads (and POIs) from a location or a bounding box, in order to create a graph thanks to Rustworkx. OsmRx is able to clean a network based on Linestring geometries and connect Point geometries. The graph built is able to process graph-analysis (shortest-path, isochrones...)
- load data from a location name or a bounding box (roads and pois)
- graph creation (and topology processing and cleaning)
- shortest path
- isochrone builder
Check the demo here
pip install osmrx
Check the jupyter notebook here
Check the wiki: TODO
Find the Points of interest from a location (Point(s)) or a bounding box:
- OSM attributes are returned
- features ready to be used with shapely, GeoPandas (...):
from osmrx.main.pois import Pois
location_name = "lyon"
# Initialize the Pois class
pois_object = Pois()
# call .from_location(location: str) or .from_bbox(bounds: Tuple[float, float, float, float]) to get data from your location
pois_object.from_location(location_name) # nominatim api is used to get Lyon coordinates
# It returns a list of dictionnaries [{"geometry": Point(...), "attribute": "...", ...}
# Free for you to use it with GeoPandas or something else (epsg=4326)
pois_data_found = pois_object.data
Find the vehicle or pedestrian network (LineString(s)) from a location or a bounding box:
- OSM attributes available
- OSM features ready to be used with shapely, GeoPandas (...):
- data cleaned regarding classical topology rules
from osmrx.main.roads import Roads
# Choose the vehicle or the pedestrian network
roads_object = Roads("vehicle")
# from_location(location: str) is available
roads_object.from_bbox({6.019674, 4.023742, 46.072575, 4.122018})
# It returns a list of dictionnaries [{"geometry": Point(...), "attribute": "...", ...}
# Free for you to use it with GeoPandas or something else (epsg=4326)
roads_data_found = roads_object.data
# return the rustworkx graph (directed for vehicle / undirected for pedestrian)
graph = roads_object.graph
# Free for you to compute graph analysis
Compute the shortest path from an ordered list of Point(s) (at least 2)
from shapely import Point
from osmrx.main.roads import GraphAnalysis
# use the GraphAnalysis class and set:
# the network type (pedestrian or vehicle) and an ordered list of 2 Shapely Points defining the source and the target
# of your shortest path)
analysis_object = GraphAnalysis("pedestrian",
[Point(4.0793058, 46.0350304), Point(4.0725246, 46.0397676)]) # (epsg=4326)
paths_built = analysis_object.get_shortest_path()
for path_object in paths_built:
print(path_object.path) # LineString shortest path (epsg=4326)
print(path_object.features()) # List of LineString (with osm attributes) composing the path found
Build an isochrone (Polygon(s)) from a Point
from shapely import Point
from osmrx.main.roads import GraphAnalysis
# use the GraphAnalysis class and set:
# the network type (pedestrian or vehicle) and a list of one Shapely Point (epsg=4326) to build the isochone
analysis_object = GraphAnalysis("vehicle", [Point(4.0793058, 46.0350304)])
# Set the distance intervals to compute the isochone with a list of integer or float
isochrones_built = analysis_object.isochrones_from_distance([0, 250, 500, 1000, 1500])
# List of Polygons with a distance attributes based on the intervals defined