Pass a shape file to generate SVGs
- PHP 7.3
- This software uses deprecated php version (deliberately)! See install sections for more information.
- Composer version 2.7.7
Run the following command to generate an SVG file from a shape file:
php main.php input.shapes output.svg
Shapes and formats:
- sq <X> <Y> <STRIDE> <COLOR> # square
- rt <X> <Y> <WIDTH> <HEIGHT> <COLOR> # rect
- cl <X> <Y> <DIAMETER> <COLOR> # circle
- ln <X0> <Y0> <X1> <Y1> <COLOR> # line
- pl <X0> <Y0> <X1> <Y1> ... <Xn> <Yn> <COLOR> # polyline
Run tests with: ./vendor/bin/phpunit Tests
To get the deprecated PHP version 7.3 up and running you could proceed like this on a Mac:
brew install shivammathur/php@7.3
# unink your current php version
brew unlink <brew unlink php@8.3>
brew link shivammathur/php/php@7.3
# install xdebug:
pecl install xdebug-3.1.6