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amaanq committed Nov 1, 2023
1 parent 25de82b commit 8bd836a
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@@ -1,16 +1,33 @@
# 💤 Neovim Config

I finally decided to use the starter template instead of maintaining my own fork
of LazyVim, which anyone else should do, but iirc I forked LazyVim before the
template came out. Now, LazyVim can be updated without me running a bunch of
PRs for merges and fixing conflicts by just overriding settings here :)
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>

If for whatever reason you used my LazyVim fork, well you should use this now.
Highlights via screenshots are below.
This is what I currently daily drive when writing code.

Major credit goes to [@folke]( as my config is heavily
inspired by his.

## Trying out my config

## Install Instructions

> Install requires Neovim 0.9+. Always review the code before installing a configuration.
Clone the repository and install the plugins:

git clone ~/.config/amaanq/nvim-config
NVIM_APPNAME=amaanq/nvim-config/ nvim --headless +"Lazy! sync" +qa

Open Neovim with this config:

NVIM_APPNAME=amaanq/nvim-config/ nvim


## Snapshot of my Tree-Sitter dev workflow
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -41,145 +58,158 @@ inspired by his.

## Plugins

- [alpha-nvim](
- [barbecue.nvim](
- [catppuccin](
- [clangd_extensions](
- [cmp-buffer](
- [cmp-calc](
- [cmp-emoji](
- [cmp-npm](
- [cmp-nvim-lsp](
- [cmp-pandoc-references](
- [cmp-path](
- [cmp_luasnip](
- [codewindow.nvim](<>)
- [comment-box.nvim](
- [committia.vim](
- [copilot](
- [copilot-cmp](
- [crates.nvim](
- [dap-buddy.nvim](
- [dial.nvim](
- [diffview.nvim](
- [dressing.nvim](
- [drop.nvim](
- [flit.nvim](
- [friendly-snippets](
- [git-blame.nvim](
- [git-conflict.nvim](
- [git-messenger.vim](
- [github-nvim-theme](
- [gitlinker.nvim](
- [gitsigns.nvim](
- [glance.nvim](
- [gruvbox.nvim](
- [headlines.nvim](
- [horizon.nvim](
- [inc-rename.nvim](
- [incline.nvim](
- [indent-blankline.nvim](
- [kanagawa.nvim](
- [lazy.nvim](
- [leap.nvim](
- [lualine.nvim](
- [LuaSnip](
- [mason-lspconfig.nvim](
- [mason-null-ls.nvim](
- [mason.nvim](
- [material.nvim](
- [medical-spell-files](
- [middleclass](
- [mini.nvim](
- [neo-tree.nvim](
- [neoconf.nvim](
- [neodev.nvim](
- [neodim](
- [neogen](
- [neogit](
- [neorg](
- [neotest](
- [neotest-go](
- [neotest-haskell](
- [neotest-jest](
- [neotest-plenary](
- [neotest-python](
- [neotest-rust](
- [neovim-ayu](
- [noice.nvim](
- [nui.nvim](
- [null-ls.nvim](
- [numb.nvim](
- [nvim-bufferline.lua](
- [nvim-cmp](
- [nvim-colorizer.lua](
- [nvim-dap](
- [nvim-dap-python](
- [nvim-dap-ui](
- [nvim-dap-virtual-text](
- [nvim-dap-vscode-js](
- [nvim-jdtls](
- [nvim-lspconfig](
- [nvim-luapad](
- [nvim-navic](
- [nvim-notify](
- [nvim-regexplainer](
- [nvim-scrollbar](
- [nvim-spectre](
- [nvim-terminal.lua](
- [nvim-toggleterm.lua](
- [nvim-treehopper](
- [nvim-treesitter](
- [nvim-treesitter-context](
- [nvim-treesitter-textobjects](
- [nvim-ts-context-commentstring](
- [nvim-ts-rainbow2](
- [nvim-ufo](
- [nvim-web-devicons](
- [octo.nvim](
- [onedarkpro.nvim](https://olimorris/onedarkpro.nvim)
- [one-small-step-for-vimkind](
- [oxocarbon.nvim](
- [package-info.nvim](
- [paint.nvim](
- [peek.nvim](
- [persistence.nvim](
- [playground](
- [plenary.nvim](
- [presence.nvim](
- [project.nvim](
- [refactoring.nvim](
- [rose-pine](
- [rust-tools.nvim](
- [Sakura.nvim](
- [SchemaStore.nvim](
- [sqlite.lua](
- [ssr.nvim](
- [styler.nvim](
- [symbols-outline.nvim](
- [targets.vim](
- [telescope-dap](
- [telescope-fzf-native.nvim](
- [telescope-project](
- [telescope-undo](
- [telescope.nvim](
- [todo-comments.nvim](
- [tokyonight.nvim](
- [treesj](
- [trouble.nvim](
- [twilight.nvim](
- [typescript.nvim](
- [undotree](
- [vim-dirtytalk](
- [vim-highlighturl](
- [vim-illuminate](
- [vim-matchup](
- [vim-startuptime](
- [vim-wakatime](
- [virt-column.nvim](
- [which-key.nvim](
- [windows.nvim](
- [yanky.nvim](
- [zen-mode.nvim](
### bars-and-lines

- [utilyre/barbecue.nvim](
- [SmiteshP/nvim-navic](

### color

- [folke/twilight.nvim](

### colorscheme

- [projekt0n/github-nvim-theme](
- [marko-cerovac/material.nvim](
- [catppuccin/nvim](
- [olimorris/onedarkpro.nvim](
- [rebelot/kanagawa.nvim](
- [rose-pine/neovim](

### comment

- [LudoPinelli/comment-box.nvim](

### completion

- [zbirenbaum/copilot.lua](
- [hrsh7th/nvim-cmp](

### cursorline

- [RRethy/vim-illuminate](

### debugging

- [rcarriga/nvim-dap-ui](
- [mfussenegger/nvim-dap](
- [t-troebst/perfanno.nvim](

### dependency-management

- [Saecki/crates.nvim](
- [vuki656/package-info.nvim](

### editing-support

- [monaqa/dial.nvim](
- [debugloop/telescope-undo.nvim](
- [folke/zen-mode.nvim](
- [haringsrob/nvim_context_vt](
- [nacro90/numb.nvim](
- [windwp/nvim-ts-autotag](
- [bennypowers/nvim-regexplainer](
- [Wansmer/treesj](

### file-explorer

- [nvim-neo-tree/neo-tree.nvim](

### formatting

- [stevearc/conform.nvim](

### fuzzy-finder

- [nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim](

### git

- [ruifm/gitlinker.nvim](
- [f-person/git-blame.nvim](
- [akinsho/git-conflict.nvim](
- [sindrets/diffview.nvim](

### github

- [pwntester/octo.nvim](
- [pwntester/codeql.nvim](

### lsp

- [smjonas/inc-rename.nvim](
- [neovim/nvim-lspconfig](
- [mfussenegger/nvim-lint](
- [scalameta/nvim-metals](
- [mrcjkb/haskell-tools.nvim](
- [SmiteshP/nvim-navbuddy](

### lsp-installer

- [williamboman/mason.nvim](

### lua-colorscheme

- [ellisonleao/gruvbox.nvim](

### media

- [andweeb/presence.nvim](

### motion

- [echasnovski/mini.bracketed](

### nvim-dev

- [rafcamlet/nvim-luapad](
- [anuvyklack/animation.nvim](
- [jbyuki/one-small-step-for-vimkind](
- [folke/neodev.nvim](
- [MunifTanjim/nui.nvim](
- [nvim-lua/plenary.nvim](

### plugin-manager

- [folke/lazy.nvim](

### preconfigured

- [LazyVim/LazyVim](

### snippet

- [L3MON4D3/LuaSnip](

### split-and-window

- [anuvyklack/windows.nvim](

### statusline

- [nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim](

### syntax

- [nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter](

### tabline

- [akinsho/bufferline.nvim](

### terminal-integration

- [samjwill/nvim-unception](

### test

- [nvim-neotest/neotest](
- [andythigpen/nvim-coverage](

### utility

- [zbirenbaum/neodim](
- [folke/noice.nvim](
- [rcarriga/nvim-notify](

<!-- plugins:end -->

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