Function: automatic evaluation tool for machine translation . The scores of the metrics such as NIST, BLEU, BLEU_SBP, GTM, mWER, mPER and ICT can be obtained by it.
Usage: mteval_sbp [-c] -r ref_file -s src_file -t tst_file > result file -c case sensitive -r reference file -s source file -t output file of machine translation
./mteval_sbp.linux -r /home/sunyy/篇章翻译/score/篇章-en-urheen.xml -s /home/sunyy/篇章翻译/score/test-篇章-urheen-1.xml -t /home/sunyy/篇章翻译/score/test-篇章-分句-trslt-1-join.xml >/home/sunyy/篇章翻译/score/score-huagong-1.txt
1.About the format of input files, please refer to the guidelines of CWMT2011 MT Evaluation;
2.In the result file, for BLEU and BLEU-SBP, if the target language is Chinese, we'll use the 5-gram scores in the table of "Cumulative N-gram scoring", and if the target language isn't Chinese, we'll use the 4-gram scores instead.
e.g. For the scoring of translation from Chinese to English:
NIST=6.4965 BLEU=0.2999 BLEU_SBP=0.2911 GTM=0.7704 mWER=0.6922 mPER=0.4734 ICT=0.3662
Cumulative N-gram scoring
1-gram 2-gram 3-gram 4-gram 5-gram 6-gram 7-gram 8-gram 9-gram
------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
NIST: 5.2564 6.2473 6.4300 6.4749 6.4965 6.5023 6.5063 6.5083 6.5105 ""
BLEU: 0.7705 0.5680 0.4129 0.2999 0.2170 0.1607 0.1231 0.0947 0.0747 ""
BLEU_SBP: 0.7481 0.5515 0.4009 0.2911 0.2107 0.1561 0.1195 0.0919 0.0726 ""