Keep track of price & volume evolution for various crypto currencies
This project cannot be considered in any way as trading advice.
Use it at your own risks and be careful with your money ;)
- it subscribes to a stream on Crypto Exchanges Gateway
- it computes price & volume evolution for multiple periods, for each pair in the stream
- it emits computed data every 60s over a ws
- it comes with a basic UI which displays heatmaps
By default, data will be computed for following periods :
- 5 minutes
- 15 minutes
- 1 hour
- 4 hours
- 1 day
- 5 days
See documentation in doc directory for a description of websocket data
Check for a demo of the UI
NB: Heatmap Me relies on Crypto Exchanges Gateway to connect to exchanges, so you will need to deploy your own instance of Crypto Exchanges Gateway in order to use it
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Copy sample config
cp config/config.sample.json config/config.json
- Start service
node index.js
It should output something similar to
1530891675956|WARN|WS server is alive on
- Build UI
If you want to use the UI, follow these steps to build the UI before starting the service :
cd ui && npm install && npm run build
- Connect to websocket to start receiving data
You should be able to access service on ws:// using any ws client such as wscat
A docker image is available at
- Pull image
docker pull apendergast/heatmap-me
- Run image
docker run --rm -p 8002:8002 -p 8003:8003 --name hm apendergast/heatmap-me
You should then be able to access service on ws:// using any ws client such as wscat
Following environment variables are available :
- cfg.logLevel : log level (default = warn)
- cfg.gateway.restEndpoint : Crypto Exchange Gateway rest endpoint (default =
- cfg.gateway.wsEndpoint : Crypto Exchange Gateway ws endpoint (default = ws://
- cfg.gateway.sessionId : identifier of the session to connect to on Crypto Exchange Gateway (default = mystream.heatmap-me)
- cfg.gateway.apiKey : api key defined on Crypto Exchange Gateway
- cfg.computeInterval : duration in seconds between two data computation
- cfg.dataPeriods : comma-separated list of periods to compute data for (default = xm,15m,1h,4h,1d,5d)
If you don't want to use environment variables or want to customize config for a running container, you can create and edit custom_config/config.json
Examples :
docker run --rm -p 8002:8002 -p 8003:8003 --name hm -e cfg.computeInterval='60' -e cfg.gateway.wsEndpoint='ws://' -e cfg.gateway.sessionId='mySessionId' apendergast/heatmap-me
This project was made possible thanks to following projects :
- big.js
- express
- express-ws
- joi (for JSON schema validation)
- lodash
- mocha (for unit tests)
- winston (for logging)
- ws
- crypto-exchanges-gateway (my other project which manages the plumbing with the various exchanges)
This project is a work in progress. If you find it useful, you might consider a little donation ;)
BTC: 163Bu8qMSDoHc1sCatcnyZcpm38Z6PWf6E
ETH: 0xDEBBEEB9624449D7f2c87497F21722b1731D42a8
NEO/GAS: AaQ5xJt4v8GunVchTJXur8WtM8ksprnxRZ