Video-frame-prediction-by-multi-scale-GAN Public archive
Using a GAN based multi scale CNN to predict future frames of a video. Implemented in Chainer
Contains implementation of Guided Attention Inference Network (GAIN) presented in Tell Me Where to Look(CVPR 2018). This repository aims to apply GAIN on fcn8 architecture used for segmentation.
Pytorch-Attention-Guided-CycleGAN Public archive
Pytorch implementation of Unsupervised Attention-guided Image-to-Image Translation.
Simple-Adversarial-Attacks Public
Examples of some adversarial attacks on VGG Network
Class-Activation-Mappings Public archive
Visualizing where the Convolution Network is looking through CAM.
Visual-Attention-Model Public archive
Chainer implementation of Deepmind's Visual Attention Model paper
Siamese-Networks-in-Chainer Public
DCGANs-for-MNIST Public
Implementation of DCGAN on MNIST dataset using Chainer framework.
Chrome-history-plot Public
python script that plots the top top visited sites through chrome browser in a bar-graph(using pylab)
MultiObjectTracker Public
Advanced multiple object tracker using dlib and OpenCV.
Spring2018 Public
Forked from cs763/Spring2018Computer Vision Course at IITB, Spring 2018
Re3 Public
Forked from moorejee/Re3Re 3 : Real-Time Recurrent Regression Networks for Visual Tracking of Generic Objects
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJan 31, 2018 -
Reinforcement-Learning Public
Implementation of various Reinforcement Learning Algorithms
The official website for WnCC: www.wncc-iitb.org resides in this repository.