Tool for controlling DPM86xx Series power supply via its RS485 interface.
./dpm86 action parameter
output/o -- read the actual output state (on/off)
output/o 1/on -- turn the output on
output/o 0/off -- turn the output off
voltage/volt/v -- read the actual delivered voltage
voltage/volt/v <0.0 .. max> -- set the voltage target
voltage/volt/v target/setting -- read the voltage target
voltage/volt/v max -- read the maximum output voltage
current/c/ampere/amp/a -- read the actual deliviered current
current/c/ampere/amp/a <0.0 .. max> -- set the current target
current/c/ampere/amp/a target/setting -- read the current target
current/c/ampere/amp/a max -- read the maximum output current
power/p/watt/w -- read the actual delivered power
power/p/watt/w target/setting -- read the power target
const/C -- read the actual const setting (voltage/const)
const/C voltage/v -- set constant voltage delivery
const/C current/c/ampere/amp/a -- set constant current delivery
temp/t -- read the temperature
READ/R <function> -- read value from function (DANGEROUS!)
WRITE/W <function> <value> -- write <value> to <function> (DANGEROUS!)
Turn output off, read output state, turn output on, read output state again:
user@mybox:~$ ./dpm86 output off ok user@mybox:~$ ./dpm86 output 0 user@mybox:~$ ./dpm86 output on ok user@mybox:~$ ./dpm86 output 1 user@mybox:~$
Read actual delivered current
user@mybox:~$ ./dpm86 current 12.55 user@mybox:~$
Set the current target to 1.301 A
user@mybox:~$ ./dpm86 ampere 1.301 ok user@mybox:~$ ./dpm86 amp target 1.301 user@mybox:~$
Read actual delivered voltage
user@mybox:~$ ./dpm86 v 21.20 user@mybox:~$
Set the voltage target to 25.3 V
user@mybox:~$ ./dpm86 voltage 25.3 ok user@mybox:~$ ./dpm86 v target 25.30 user@mybox:~$
Read the temperature
user@mybox:~$ ./dpm86 t 39 user@mybox:~$
- DPM8605 (see f. e.
- DPM8608 (search on ebay)
- DPM8616 (search on ebay)
- DPM8624 (see f. e.
- The power supply has to be set to "simple protocol". Please check the manual.
- Check the variable 'tty' and choose the right ttyUSB-device.
- Check the variable 'CURRENT_MAX' and set it to the maxium current delivered by your power supply.
- DO NOT USE Raspberry 4! After a while a error message shows up ("serial.serialutil.SerialException: [Errno 12] could not open port /dev/ttyUSB0: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory: '/dev/ttyUSB0'") and the serial port isn't reachable anymore. Use RPi 3 or RPi Zero (W) instead.
- This script comes along with no warranty at all. You have been warned.
- Have fun.