allure-pytest: using the same @pytest.mark.parametrize for tests with different browsers appear as retries of the same test in the test report. #752
Hi, I am conducting login tests on different browsers using pytest-playwright
. I am using @pytest.mark.parametrize
to run tests with different emails and passwords. However, I noticed that in the allure report, my tests for Edge and Chrome are grouped together as the same test case. The test that runs first becomes the retries for the subsequent test case. I want them to appear as separate tests.
What I would want it to be like would be:
|__ Chrome
| |__ Test if the website can be successfully logged in
|__ Edge
| |__ Test if the website can be successfully logged in
|__ Firefox
| |__ Test if the website can be successfully logged in
I've tried using allure.dynamic.tag
and allure.dynamic.parameter
, but they didn't help. Thanks in advance.
I'm submitting a ...
- bug report
What is the current behavior?
If the current behavior is a bug, please provide the steps to reproduce and if possible a minimal demo of the problem
login_correct=[{"email": "123", "password": "123"}]
@allure.story("Test if the website can be successfully logged in")
@allure.description("Enter the website and input correct email and password to check if can login.")
def test_login_success(setup,test_input):
page = setup
login(page, test_input["email"], test_input["password"])
def setup(page: Page,pytestconfig):
page.set_viewport_size({"width": 1920, "height": 1080})
browser = pytestconfig.getoption("--browser")
browser_channel = pytestconfig.getoption("--browser-channel")
if browser_channel != None:
yield page
I am testing different browsers using the following command:
pytest -n auto --browser-channel=chrome --alluredir=allure-results
pytest -n auto --browser=firefox --alluredir=allure-results
pytest -n auto --browser-channel=msedge --alluredir=allure-results
What is the expected behavior?
The Edge test case and Chrome Test case need to be seperate.
What is the motivation / use case for changing the behavior?
Please tell us about your environment:
- Allure version: 2.22.3
- Test framework: pytest@7.3.2
- Allure adaptor: allure-pytest@2.13.2
- pytest-playwright 0.3.3