Issue Description
Type: feature request
Describe what happened (or what feature you want)
Sentinel 2.0 will evolve to a universal, cloud-native traffic governance component. Thus we'll need to add fundamental traffic governance building blocks in Sentinel 2.0, which at-least cover:
- A local "brain" for hinting load balancing [RFC] Local "brain" abstraction for hinting load balancing and routing #2944
- Traffic routing Umbrella issue for traffic routing implementation of Sentinel 2.0 #2846
- Traffic tagging as well as carrying tags between services
- Outlier eviction
This is the umbrella issue of traffic governance building blocks in Sentinel 2.0.
Related issues: #2845 (regarding API model)
Sentinel 2.0 将演进为通用、云原生的流量治理组件,并天然支持 OpenSergo 流量治理标准。Sentinel 1.x 的 API 与场景均基于流量策略来进行设计,而未干预流量到来之前的过程,以及中间的执行过程。在 Sentinel 2.0 中,我们需要扩充这一部分的抽象,来支持更多的流量治理能力,其中包括但不限于:
- 本地的决策组件,基于给定的流量与条件来为 load balancing 与 routing 提供 hint
- 流量路由流程的抽象
- 流量染色与标透传的流程抽象
- 异常实例摘除、熔断