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a Cycle.js-based component factory and set of higher-order-components built on cycle-react-driver, cycle-redux-driver, and most

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a Cycle.js-based component factory and set of higher-order-components built on cycle-react-driver, cycle-redux-driver, and most


npm install --save remcycle


import mapProps from 'remcycle/es2015/hoc/mapProps'; // HOCs
import createComponent from 'remcycle/es2015/createComponent'; // helpers
import { shallowEquals } from 'remcycle/es2015/util'; // utilities


A higher-order component (HOC) is a function that takes in a Cycle.js component and returns a Cycle.js component.

This pattern makes HOCs composable and allows us to use Ramda's compose or pipe functions to stitch multiple HOCs together into a single, larger HOC.

The following HOC factories and utilities are provided by this library:

NOTE: A few HOC factories have two versions, one that exposes single props or action objects and another that exposes the raw props source stream, action streams and component sources - use the latter for more granular control over stream manipulation and creation.


mapProps(propsMapper: (props: {}) => {}): HigherOrderComponent

Transforms props to be passed into the base component as the props source stream.

Useful as a base HOC for higher-level HOCs for transforming props (e.g. renaming, omitting, etc).

mapProps(({ count, ...props }) => ({
  value: count, // renames the count prop, omits the rest from the props source stream


  propsStreamMapper: (propsSource: Stream<{}>) => Stream<{}>,
): HigherOrderComponent

Same as mapProps, but transforms the props source stream (or of({}) if props source is undefined).

Useful as a base HOC for higher-level HOCs for more granular control over transforming props (e.g. throttling, filtering, etc).

mapPropsStream(propsSource => {
  return propsSource
    .map(({ count, ...props }) => ({
      value: count, // same example as above


  propsOrPropsCreator: {} | (props: {}) => {} | void,
): HigherOrderComponent

  watchedPropNames: string | string[],
  propsCreator: (props: {}) => {} | void,
): HigherOrderComponent

Merges into the props stream new props, either created from an object or a function that returns new props.


  • accepts props to be merged with upstream props, or a function that transforms upstream props into new props to be merged
  • accepts name(s) of props to watch for changes (using shallowEquals), and when they have changed, run the propsCreator on upstream props to return new props to be merged.

If propsCreator returns undefined, upstream props are emitted unchanged.

Useful for adding new props, overwriting upstream props, or for merging in new props that are expensive to create via the propsCreator.

NOTE: the watching behaviour is only included in this HOC factory for backwards-compatibility reasons - if you want to control when you create new props, you should use withPropsOnChange.

// merging props from props object
withProps({ name: 'Selector' });

// merging props from props creator
withProps(({ val }) => ({ value: val })); // simple renaming of props

// merging props from props creator on props change
  [ 'params.prop1', 'dependencyProp' ], // can take multiple and/or nested prop names
  ({ dependencyProp }) => {
    // ... perform expensive operations here
    return {
      // ... new props to merge into upstream props


  namesOrPredicate: string | string[] | (currentProps: {}, previousProps: {}) => boolean,
  propsCreator: (props: {}) => {} | void,
): HigherOrderComponent

Accepts name(s) of props to watch for changes (using shallowEquals) or a predicate function applied to currentProps and previousProps, and when the listed props have changed (or when the predicate returns true), run the propsCreator on upstream props to return new props to be merged.

If propsCreator returns undefined, upstream props are emitted unchanged.

Useful for merging in new props that are expensive to create via the propsCreator.

// merging props from props creator on props change
  [ 'params.prop1', 'dependencyProp' ], // can take multiple and/or nested prop names
  ({ dependencyProp }) => {
    // ... perform expensive operations here
    return {
      // ... new props to merge into upstream props

// merging props from props creator based on predicate's return value
  ({ dependencyProp: current }, { dependencyProp: previous }) => {
    // only when this prop is unequal to it's previous value
    return current !== previous;
  ({ dependencyProp: current }) => {
    // ... perform expensive operations here
    return {
      // ... new props to merge into upstream props


  stateName: string,
  initialStateOrCreator: T | (props: {}) => T,
  actionReducers?: {
    [actionType: string]:
      (state: T, action: FluxStandardAction<any>, props: {}) => T,
  propReducers?: {
    [propNames: string | string[]]:
      (state: T, props: {}) => T,
): HigherOrderComponent

Creates, merges into the props source stream, and maintains the state of a new/existing prop using the reducer pattern.

initialStateOrCreator is either the initial state of the prop or a function that creates the initial state from the current props.

actionReducers select the REDUX source stream using the given actionType and on each action, invokes the reducer on the state, the action, and the current props.

propReducers watch the given propName(s) (possibly nested) for changes (using shallowEquals) and when changed, invokes the reducer on the state and current props.

  ({ count }) => count !== undefined ? count : 0,
    'Counter/increment': (count, { payload }) => count += payload,
    'Counter/decrement': (count, { payload }) => count -= payload,
    'Counter/reset': _ => 0,
  }, {
    count: (_, { count }) => count // parent is resetting the state


defaultProps({ [propName: string]: any }): HigherOrderComponent

Merges in a set of props, unless they already exist in the props source stream. Like withProps, but upstream props already in the props source stream take precedence.

// if parent didn't provide a `value` prop for the <input type="number" /> tag, set it to 0 as a reasonable default
  type: 'number',
  value: 0,


omitProps(string | string[]): HigherOrderComponent

Omits props from the props source stream.

omitProps([ 'isLoading' ]); // omits the prop `isLoading`, perhaps because it wasn't needed


  propsCreator: (props: {}) => {} | void,
): HigherOrderComponent

  watchedPropNames: string | string[],
  propsCreator: (props: {}) => {} | void,
): HigherOrderComponent

  namesOrPredicate: string | string[] | (currentProps: {}, previousProps: {}) => boolean,
  propsCreator: (props: {}) => {} | void,
): HigherOrderComponent

Syntactically-identical to withProps or withPropsOnChange, but is recommended to be used when performing imperative/mutable/impure changes to existing props.


  { [actionType: string]:
    (action: FluxStandardAction<T>, props: {}) => FluxStandardAction<T> | void
): HigherOrderComponent

Transforms an action of the given actionType with the current props. If the transform returns undefined, the action is filtered out of the action stream.

Useful for augmenting action payloads or filtering out actions with invalid or undesirable payloads.

// filters out any values greater than the `maxAllowable` for the <input type="number"/> tag
  'Input/change': (action, { maxAllowable }) => {
    return (Number(action.payload) > maxAllowable) ? void 0 : action;


  { [actionType: string]:
    (action: Stream<FluxStandardAction<T>>, sources: {}) => Stream<FluxStandardAction<T>>
): HigherOrderComponent

Identical to mapActions, except the action stream creator function takes the action stream of the given actionType and all of the component's sources, returning the new action stream.

// same example as above
// filters out any values greater than the `maxAllowable` for the <input type="number"/> tag
  'Input/change': (action$, { props: propsSource = of({}) }) => {
    const maxAllowable$ ={ maxAllowable }) => maxAllowable);

    return action$
      .sample((action, maxAllowable) => ([ action, maxAllowable ]), action$, maxAllowable$)
      .filter(([ { payload }, maxAllowable ]) => Number(payload) <= maxAllowable)
      .map(([ action ]) => action)


withActions<T, U>(
  { [listenedActionType: string]:
    { [emittedActionType: string]:
      (listenedAction: FluxStandardAction<T>, props: {}) => FluxStandardAction<U>
): HigherOrderComponent

Multiplexes an action stream onto another action stream - action creator function takes in each listenedActionType action and current props and returns an action of the emittedActionType. If an action stream of the emittedActionType already exists, the returned actions will be merged into that stream.

Useful for emitting an additional action when a given action is emitted, or generally mapping a particular source to a new action stream.

// maps an Input component change action to a new action specific to the MaxInput component
  'Input/change': {
    'MaxInput/set': ({ payload }) => setMaxInput(payload),


withActionStreams<T, U>(
  { [listenedActionType: string]:
    { [emittedActionType: string]:
      (listenedActionStream: Stream<FluxStandardAction<T>>, sources: {}) => Stream<FluxStandardAction<U>>
): HigherOrderComponent

Identical to withActions, except the action stream creator function takes the action stream of the given listenedActionType and all of the component's sources, returning the new action stream. If an action stream of the emittedActionType exists, the returned action stream will be merged into that stream.

// same example as above, but debounces the emitted actions before emitting
// maps an Input component change action to a new action specific to the MaxInput component
  'Input/change': {
    'MaxInput/set': (inputChangeAction$, { Time }) => inputChangeAction$
      .map(({ payload }) => setMaxInput(payload)),


  { [actionType: string]: (sources: {}): ActionStream<any>; }
): HigherOrderComponent

Helper for mapping sources to new (or merge into existing) action streams.

// in event-sourcing parlance, we can map state changes to domain events
  [INPUT_CHANGED]: ({ props: propsSource }) => {
    return propsSource
      .map(props => props['input'])


  { [handlerPropName: string]:
    { type: string,
      actionCreator: (props: {}, eventArgs: any | any[]) => FluxStandardAction<any>,
      actionStreamCreator: (sources: {}, event$: Stream<any>) => Stream<FluxStandardAction<any>>,
      hold?: boolean,
): HigherOrderComponent

Similar to Redux's mapDispatchToProps. addActionHandlers does two things:

  • merges into the props source stream a handler function of the provided handlerPropName
  • creates a action sink stream that emits an action when the handler is invoked.

If you declare the actionCreator property, the actionCreator function accepts the current props and the eventArg value passed into the handler (or an array of values if the handler is invoked with multiple arguments) and should return the action of the desired type.

If you declare the actionStreamCreator property, the actionStreamCreator function accepts the component's sources and the stream of eventArgs emitted when the handler is invoked (again, with a single value or an array values, depending on the number of parameters passed into the handler) and should return a stream of actions of the desired type.

The hold property should be specified as true (default is false) if the action stream should remember it's last action.

Useful for imperatively generating actions, most commonly from passing the handlers into a React component.

// emits `'Input/change'` actions when the `onChange` handler is invoked, perhaps in an <input /> component
  onChange: {
    type: 'Input/change',
    actionCreator: (_, e) => inputChange(,


  viewMapper: (vtree: ReactElement<any>, props: {}) => ReactElement<any>,
  propsToPluck?: string | string[],
): HigherOrderComponent

Wraps a component's React element sink or it's child's React sink with additional React elements.

Optionally, allows you to specify props to pluck from the props source stream to use for rendering the wrapper component (defaults to '*' which then passes all props to the viewMapper).

const Container = ({ childVtree, className }) =>
  <div className={className}>

  (vtree, { className }) => Container({ childVtree: vtree, className }),
  [ 'className' ],


  collectionName: string,
  initialCollectionOrCreator: Collection | (sources: {}) => Collection,
  actionReducers?: {
    [actionType: string]:
      (collection: Collection, action: FluxStandardAction<any>, props: {}, sources: {}) => Collection,
  propReducers?: {
    [propNames: string | string[]]:
      (collection: Collection, props: {}, sources: {}) => Collection,
): HigherOrderComponent

Creates and maintains the state of a Most.js Collection, returning a stream of the collection's state and merging it into the component's sources (so that it can be manipulated in subsequent HOCs).

initialCollectionOrCreator is either the initial collection or a function that creates the initial collection from the sources.

actionReducers select a REDUX source stream using the given actionType and on each action, invokes the reducer on the collection, the action, the current props and all sources.

propReducers watch the given propName(s) (possibly nested) for changes (using shallowEquals) and when changed, invokes the reducer on the collection, current props and all sources.

// manages a collection of children `TodoItem` components and their state
withCollection('todoItems', Collection(TodoItem), {
  'TodoList/add': (todos, { payload: text }) => {
    const props$ = of({ text, isComplete: false });

    return todos.add({ ...sources, props: props$ });
  'TodoList/toggleAll': (todos, { payload: allChecked }) => {
    return Array(todos.size).fill(0)
      .reduce((newTodos, _, index) => {
        const todo = todos.getAt(index);
        const props$ = todo.input.props
          .map(props => ({ ...props, isComplete: allChecked }));

        return newTodos.setAt(index, { ...todo.input, props: props$ });
      }, todos);


  componentName: string,
  { [actionType: string]: PropType }
): HigherOrderComponent

Augments the Redux action sink, performing prop-type checks on each action payload.

addActionTypes('Input', {
  'Input/change': PropTypes.string,


  componentName: string,
  { [propName: string]: PropType }
): HigherOrderComponent

Augments the props source stream, performing prop-type checks on the props object.

addPropTypes('Input', {
  value: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
  type: PropTypes.string,


  sinkLogger: ({ [actionType: string]: Stream<FluxStandardAction<any>> }) => void,
  actionLoggers: { [actionType: string]: (<FluxStandardAction<any>) => void },
): HigherOrderComponent

Takes in an optional sinksLogger function which logs all action streams in the Redux sink, and an object of logging functions for any given actionType.

logActions(::console.log, {
  'Input/change': ::console.log,


  propsLogger: (props: {}) => void,
): HigherOrderComponent

Logs all props from the upstream props source stream.



  main: Component;
  name?: string;
  handlers?: Handlers;  // same input as `addActionHandlers`
  children?: {
    keys: string;
    sources: HigherOrderComponent | HigherOrderComponent[];
    sinks: HigherOrderComponent | HigherOrderComponent[];
  wrapper?: HigherOrderComponent;
  sinks?: HigherOrderComponent | HigherOrderComponent[];
  sources?: HigherOrderComponent | HigherOrderComponent[];
  actionTypes?: { [actionType: string]: PropType };
  propTypes?: { [propName: string]: PropType };
  isolate?: false | ((Sources: any) => (null | string | {})) | null | string | {};
}): Component

A factory function for creating Cycle.js components from a series of HOCs.

Each optional property results in an HOC and is applied in the following order:

  • main : the base component to be wrapped
  • handlers : React function callbacks to be passed as props (usually, only used with view) with resultant actions emitted
  • children : object (soon to be array of objects) of HOCs to define what children should be rendered and how their collective state should be maintained
  • wrapper : HOC defining any low level source or sink transformations required for this component or it's children
  • sinks : HOC or array of HOCs describing sink transformations
  • sources : HOC or array of HOCs describing source transformations
  • isolate : function returning the isolation configuration to be applied to all instances of this component

By applying these HOCs in this order, we get the resulting mental model:

  • main:
    • main takes in:
      • most-manipulated sources
      • least-manipulated sinks
      • any children components as sources, returns them with sinks
  • handlers
    • merges function callbacks into existing props
    • creates and emits raw actions (from the actionCreator or actionStreamCreator function) using the most-complete props
  • children
    • receives most-manipulated sources
    • merges/combines its own sinks with least-manipulated sinks
  • wrapper
    • performs any last-minute source manipulation for main and/or children
    • provides lowest-level interface for sink manipulation
  • sinks
    • performs manipulation of sinks with sources available from source HOCs
  • sources
    • performs manipulation of sources passed in from the parent components

Say we want to wrap the great react-select Select component...

import React from 'react';
import createComponent from 'remcycle/es2015/createComponent';
import { fromReactDOMComponent } from '@sunny-g/cycle-react-driver/es2015/dom';

const main = fromReactDOMComponent(Select, 'REACT');  // maps props to a React sink named 'REACT'

export default createComponent({
  name: 'Select',                           // used for prop-type reporting
  main: ,                                   // can be any Cycle component, but creating one from a React component
  isolate: () => Math.random().toString(),  // isolation with a random scope
  handlers: {
    onChange: {                             // necessary prop for receiving current selection
      type: 'Select/change',
      actionCreator: (_, selection) => ({
        type: 'Select/change',
        payload: selection,
        error: false,
        meta: {},
  sources: [
    defaultProps({                          // provides some react-select defaults
      defaultValue: '',
      multi: false,
      name: 'Select',

    // manages state of the react-select component's `value`
    withState('value', ({ defaultValue }) => defaultValue || null, {
      'Select/change': (_, selection) => selection,
  sinks: [],                                // no need to manipulate sinks
  propTypes: {                              // we can define expected `props` to be included in the `props` source
    multi: PropTypes.bool,
    name: PropTypes.string,
  actionTypes: {                            // likewise, we can document the payload types of the `action`s this component emits
    'Select/change': PropTypes.oneOfType([


type ReactSink = Stream<ReactElement<any>>;

  view: (...vtrees: ReactElement<any>[], props: {}) => ReactElement<any>,
  propsSource?: Stream<{}>,
): (...reactSinks: ReactSink[]) => ReactSink

Helper for combining the React sinks of multiple sibling components into a single React sink, but can be used as a shorthand to combine any set of sinks.

import reactSinksCombiner from 'remcycle/es2015/reactSinksCombiner';

function main(sources) {
  const todoItemOneSinks = TodoItem(sources);
  const todoItemTwoSinks = TodoItem(sources);

  // props required for the combined React view component
  const viewProps$ ={ className }) => ({ className }));

  // the view that combines the vtrees and props
  const TodoListView = (todoItemOneVtree, todoItemTwoVtree, { className }) =>
    <div className={className}>

  const mainReactSink = reactSinksCombiner(TodoListView, viewProps$)(todoItemOneSinks.REACT, todoItemTwoSinks.REACT);

  return {
    REACT: mainReactSink,


type ReduxSink = Stream<{ [actionType: string]: Stream<FluxStandardAction<any>> }>

reduxSinksCombiner(...reduxSinks: ReduxSink[]): ReduxSink

Helper for merging the Redux sinks of multiple sibling components into a single Redux sink. If multiple action streams of the same actionType exist, the streams are merged together.

import reduxSinksCombiner from 'remcycle/es2015/reduxSinksCombiner';

function main(sources) {
  const todoItemOneSinks = TodoItem(sources);
  const todoItemTwoSinks = TodoItem(sources);

  const mainReduxSink = reduxSinksCombiner(todoItemOneSinks.REDUX, todoItemTwoSinks.REDUX);

  return {
    REDUX: mainReduxSink,


shallowEquals(any, any): boolean

Determines if two JS value or reference types are shallowly equal to eachother (using ===). If an array or object, strict equality is applied to all elements/properties. Directly exported from the shallow-equals library.

import { shallowEquals } from 'remcycle/es2015/util';

shallowEquals({ a: 1 }, { a: 1 });  // true
shallowEquals({ a: 1 }, { b: 1 });  // false



  • ensure typescript typings are correct and comprehensive and exported correctly
  • ensure build tooling with tsc and webpack is correct
  • explain contribution process
  • add more tests :)
  • explain why I wrote this




a Cycle.js-based component factory and set of higher-order-components built on cycle-react-driver, cycle-redux-driver, and most






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  • TypeScript 98.2%
  • JavaScript 1.8%