Assignemt 2: RPG Character This program is designed to simulate RPG characters. This program has many functions as level the character up and give the characters some items(Armor,Weapon).
Motivation: The program has been designed to show my class design skills, it has been implmented some solid principle which made this project is so easy for further development.
Language used : C#
Functionality in the program: The main method demonstrates how the program workes. All the characters have base-stats based on their class, and when they level up thay get a stat boost.
- The characters can also use 3 types of weapon, and 3 different armor sets (Head, body and leg). All these items gives a boost of some sort.
- By run the program you will see the ouput of all detalis for an example of a Warrior.
Installation: All you need to clone the porject on your pc, and just run it. ^_^