Stanford University
- Stanford, CA
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexandrostzikas/
Code for the IEEE RAL paper: "Distributed Online Planning for Min-Max Problems in Networked Markov Games"
ADMM_Sampler Public
Forked from sisl/Distributed_ADMM_SamplerMCMC via ADMM
Python UpdatedMar 11, 2024 -
RandUP Public
Forked from StanfordASL/RandUPA Simple and Efficient Sampling-based Algorithm for General Reachability Analysis
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 24, 2023 -
Code developed for the final project "Distributed Online Planning for Min-Max Problems in Networked Markov Games".
Python UpdatedJun 6, 2023 -
POMDP_Decentralized_Connectivity Public
Forked from bcollico/POMDP-Decentralized-ConnectivityJulia UpdatedMar 15, 2022 -
CARLO Public
Forked from Stanford-ILIAD/CARLO2D Driving Simulator
Python MIT License UpdatedFeb 23, 2022 -
reinforcement_learning-2021 Public
Implementation of various reinforcement learning algorithms in examples obtained from the book "Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction, by Sutton and Barto".
arduino_workshop-2019 Public
This repository contains some of the code developed or used in the 'Arduino Workshop: Intermediate Level' organized by the IEEE Student Branch of AUTH and Thrace. The code enclosed in this reposito…
C++ UpdatedDec 29, 2021 -
CoordinationGraphMARL Public
Forked from parachutel/CoordinationGraphMARLPython UpdatedDec 8, 2021 -
Stanford's AA275 Final Project: Active Learning-based Localization and Navigation for Multi-Robot systems
Python UpdatedDec 8, 2021 -
This repository corresponds to the homework assignments for the "AA275: Navigation for Autonomous Systems course", taught at Stanford University in Fall 2021.
Python UpdatedNov 19, 2021 -
CodeReadabilityProject_2020 Public
Project in the "Pattern Recognition" Course of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at AUTH
Python UpdatedMay 19, 2020 -
V2X_Communication Public
Project in which communication between different nodes (cars & traffic light) is achieved, in an attempt to provide a functional communication system that aims in the increase of safety in driving.
antenna_analysis_design-2019 Public
This project was part of the "Special Antennas-Antenna Synthesis" course in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at AUTH. It consists of antenna analysis & beam-forming and DoA algor…
Optical_Communications-2019 Public
A set of 3 projects in the field of Optical Communications
bioengineering-2018 Public
A group project that was part of the Bioengineering course in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
MATLAB UpdatedMay 25, 2019 -
pacman_project-2018 Public
Project in the ‘Data Structures’ Course of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Java UpdatedMay 25, 2019 -
CommunicationNetworks Public
MATLAB code simulating the function of a 'Loss System'.
MATLAB UpdatedMay 21, 2019 -
optics_I-2018 Public
An project in the area of Optics. The 'Ray Tracing GUI' is a group effort, while the remainder of the project is individual.
MATLAB UpdatedMar 8, 2019 -
ProgrammingTechniques-2017 Public
The enclosed tasks were completed under the requirements of the course 'Programming Techniques', taught in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at AUTH. The assignments are written i…
C++ UpdatedMar 8, 2019 -
ComputerArchitecture-2017 Public
This project was completed under the requirements of the course 'Computer Architecture', taught in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at AUTH. A program written in Assembly that pe…
Assembly UpdatedMar 8, 2019 -
This project was completed under the requirements of the course 'Digital Communications II', taught in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at AUTH.
UpdatedMar 8, 2019 -
This repository contains my solutions to the assignments of the Machine Learning Course (by Stanford University), offered through 'Coursera' and taught by professor Andrew Ng.
UpdatedMar 4, 2019 -
An individual project, part of the 'Computer Networks I' course of the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The project consisted of serial c…
Java UpdatedMar 4, 2019