InSpec profile to check SSL certificates for a list of hosts
InSpec Reporter plugin for eye-popping htmls
tpruvot / cpuminer-multi
Forked from lucasjones/cpuminer-multicrypto cpuminer (linux + windows)
Library of open source Flexera plugins
An automated insulin delivery app for iOS, built on LoopKit
Alexa skill for Chef Compliance. This allows the Amazon Echo to interact with a publicly accessible Chef Compliance server
InSpec Profile: scan for mitigation status for the WannaCry exploit
Free continuous integration platform for GitHub projects.
🔒 Memorable site for testing clients against bad SSL configs.
The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
Enhanced personal research version of the xDrip android app
Ruby library for pure SSL/TLS handshake testing. No additional requirements.
A chef cookbook which makes the execute resource better
Chef Infra, a powerful automation platform that transforms infrastructure into code automating how infrastructure is configured, deployed and managed across any environment, at any scale
Test Kitchen driver/provisioner for lightning faster Chef Infra cookbook testing with Docker
RightScripts for RightScale's RightLink10 (aka RightLinkLite) agent
twrodriguez / rest_connection
Forked from jeremyd/rest_connectionNet::HTTP helper for restful requests -and- additional library of helpers for various APIs.