A curated list of delightful Ember.js packages and resources.
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- Packages
- Adapters
- Animations
- Authentication
- Automation
- Benchmarking
- Blogging
- Broccoli
- Broccoli read
- Build tools
- Charts
- Code Splitting
- Codestyle
- Command-line apps
- Command-line utilities
- Component addons
- Compression
- Content management systems
- Control flow
- CSS & etc
- Styling kits
- Data Management
- Data manipulation & Computed
- Data validation
- Database
- Date
- Debugging / Profiling
- Documentation
- Ember-inspector roadmaps & overview
- End-user customization
- ES6
- [Extenral Components Integration)(#external-components-integration)
- Filesystem
- Forms
- Forum
- Functional programming
- Hardware
- Helpers
- Humanize
- Image
- Include external JS code
- Infinite Scroll
- Internalization & Localization
- Inputs
- Job queues
- Logging
- Mad science
- Math
- Metrics
- Minifiers
- Miscellaneous
- Mobile
- Natural language processing
- Network
- Node.js management
- Number
- Parcel
- Parsing
- Payments
- Polyfills
- Process management
- Query Params
- Real-time
- Routing addons
- Security
- SSR / Server Side Rendering
- Static site generators
- Streams
- State management
- Styling
- Templating
- Testing
- Text
- TypeScript
- UI components
- UI libs
- UX
- VS Code addons
- Web frameworks
- Webpack
- Weird
- Resources
- ember-ast-helpers - This library is a utility belt to make AST transforms and shield users as much as possible from the nuances of the AST, as it is still private API.
- ember-template-recast - Non-destructive template transformer.
- jscodeshift - A JavaScript codemod toolkit.
- ember-cli-markdown-resolver - Ember CLI addon for resolving markdown files in custom folders and retrieving content via a service.
- ember-cloud-firestore-adapter - Unofficial Ember Data Adapter and Serializer for Cloud Firestore
- ember-data-hal-9000 - An ember-data compatible ember-cli addon that provides a HAL adapter (HATEOAS)
- ember-django-adapter - Ember CLI addon adapter for Django REST Framework
- ember-graphql-adapter - GraphQL adapter for Ember Data
- ember-indexeddb - Utilities & adapter to work with IndexedDB in ember & ember-data
- ember-local-storage - The addon provides a storageFor computed property that returns a proxy and persists the changes to localStorage or sessionStorage.
- ember-pouch - PouchDB/CouchDB adapter for Ember Data
- ember-wordpress - The bridge between Ember.js and Wordpress
- emberfire - Official Ember Data adapter for Firebase
- ember-animated - Web Animations with Ember js
- liquid-fire - Animations & transitions for ambitious Ember applications.
- ember-cli-simple-auth-extensions
- ember-simple-auth - A library for implementing authentication/authorization in Ember.js applications.
- tori - A set of clean abstractions for authentication in Ember.js
- ember-cli-deploy - A deployment pipeline for Ember CLI apps
- ember-cli-release - Ember CLI addon for versioned release management
- ember-cli-sri - This plugin is used to generate Subresource Integrity (SRI) hashes for ember applications.
- ember-cli-dependency-lint - Lint your app's addon dependencies, making sure you only have one version of each.
- ember-macro-benchmark - Benchmark recording of an ember app with running with 2 versions of Ember.
- ember-performance - A suite of tests for EmberJS to help with performance
- emberperf - EmberPerformance (Between versions)
- ember-tumblr - Ember Addon for integrating a Tumblr blog
- broccoli-assembler - A build utility to allow for more flexible builds and better composition.
- broccoli-concat-analyser - Assets profiling
- broccoli-debug - Utility for build pipeline authors to allow trivial debugging of the Broccoli pipelines they author.
- broccoli-stew - Provides commonly used convenience functions for developing broccoli based build pipelines.
- broccolijs-tutorial - Broccoli.js Tutorial repository
- broccoli-rollup - Broccoli Plugin For Rollup
- broccoli-manifest - HTML5 cache-manifest compilation for broccoli
- Debugging Ember-cli Build Times
- Eat Your Greens - A Broccoli.js tutorial
- Ember.js Lazy Assets: Fingerprinting & loading static/dynamic assets on demand
- Thoughts on how to write faster broccoli plugins
- Broccoli - Fast, reliable asset pipeline, supporting constant-time rebuilds and compact build definitions.
- ember-sparkles - Collection of composable D3 components built with ember-d3-helpers
- ember-cli-server-variables - An Ember CLI add-on to support adding variables to the generated index.html file's head tag.
- ember-engines - This Ember addon implements the functionality described in the Ember Engines RFC. Engines allow multiple logical applications to be composed together into a single application from the user's perspective.
- ember-cli-alex - alex for Ember apps
- ember-prop-types - Improved property management for Ember apps and addons.
- @ember/optional-features - This addon allows you to easily enable/disable optional features in ember-source. To clarify what we mean by optional, these are features that will be opt-in/opt-out and optional for the forseeable future, not features that will be enabled by default. It is intended for use with apps only not addons.
- ember-cli-rename - Addon for ember-cli that provides an
ember rename
- ember-cli-update - Update Ember CLI Ember.js apps and addons (and Glimmer.js apps)
- ember-diff-attrs
- ember-compatibility-helpers - Helpers that allow you to write backwards compat Ember addons
- ember-cli-deploy-brotli - Ember deploy plugin to support brotli compression
- https://authmaker.com/ - Go from zero to fully functioning and live MVP in 3 days.
- Promises
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- Observables
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- Generators
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- Streams
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- Callbacks
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- Channels
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- Other
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- ember-cli-stylelint - Adds styleint to your ember app, to lint all kinds of css
- ember-cli-autoprefixer - Automatically run your styles through autoprefixer
- ember-cli-sass - Use node-sass to preprocess your ember-cli app's files, with support for sourceMaps and include paths
- ember-cli-sass-pods - Enjoy styling your pods with the sass style file in the pod directory.
- ember-component-css - An Ember CLI addon which allows you to specify styles for individual components.
- ember-cli-postcss - A Postcss integration for ember-cli
- ember-css-modules - CSS Modules for ambitious applications.
- ember-cli-tailwind - Tailwind is a utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces.
- ember-emotion - Use emotion styling in Ember.js
- ember-buffered-proxy
- ember-changeset
- ember-cerebraljs - Enhanced state management for complex Ember apps using Cerebral
- ember-redux - Predictable state management for ember apps
- ember-state-services
- ember-time-machine
- ember-cli-tailwind - Adds Tailwind CSS to your app or addon
- ember-apollo-client - An ember-cli addon for Apollo Client and GraphQL
- ember-cli-sofa - CouchDB persistence library for Ember.js
- ember-orbit - Ember.js data layer built with Orbit.js
- ember-data-storefront - A collection of APIs that address common data-loading issues.
- ember-awesome-macros - A collection of Ember computed macros
- ember-cpm - ComputedProperty Macros for Ember
- ember-macaroni - Keep your app code DRY and copypasta free with computed property macaronis (macros)
- ember-cp-validations - Ember computed property based validations
- ember-model-validator - Add validations to your Ember Data models on an explicit and easy way, without a bunch a validations files around or complicated structure.
- ember-validated-form - Easily create forms with client side validations.
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- ember-moment - moment.js template helpers and computed property macros for Ember
- ember-debug-logger - Exposes the visionmedia/debug library for use in your Ember.js application.
- ember-devtools - A collection of useful Ember.js debugging functions.
- ember-chrome-devtools - Chrome DevTools addon for Ember.js
- ember-perf-timeline - Add performance information to Chrome's Timeline for Ember applications
- heimdalljs-visualizer - Visualizer for heimdalljs data.
- source-map-explorer - Analyze and debug space usage through source maps.
- ember-cli-addon-docs - Easy, beautiful docs for your Ember addon
- ember-cli-jsdoc - An Ember CLI addon to generate HTML documentation from JSDoc comments in the source code.
- ember-freestyle - Ember Freestyle is an Ember addon that allows you to quickly create a component explorer for your Ember app.
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- ember-cli-hot-loader - An early look at what hot reloading might be like in the ember ecosystem
- ember-cli-build-notifications - Notifications when ember-cli has a buildError
- ember-feature-flags An ember-cli addon to provide feature flags.
- ember-named-yields - Named Yields for Ember Components.
- ember-glimmer-component - Glimmer.js-like components in Ember.
- ember-islands - Render Ember components anywhere on a server-rendered page to create "Islands of Richness"
- ember-wormhole - Render a child view somewhere else in the DOM.
- ember-concurrency-decorators - Decorator syntax for declaring/configuring ember-concurrency tasks
- ember-decorators - Useful decorators for Ember applications.
- ember-glimmer-component - Glimmer.js-like components in Ember
- @alexlafroscia/ember-cli-react - Render React components in Ember
- @AltSchool/ember-cli-react - Use React component hierarchies in your Ember app
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- ember-form-for - This Ember.js addon will give you an easy way to build good forms.
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- Bacon.js - Functional reactive programming.
- Folktale - Suite of libraries for generic functional programming in JavaScript that allows you to write elegant, modular applications with fewer bugs, and more reuse.
- immutable - Immutable data collections.
- Kefir.js - Reactive library with focus on high performance and low memory usage.
- Lazy.js - Utility library similar to lodash/Underscore but with lazy evaluation, which can translate to superior performance in many cases.
- lodash - Utility library delivering consistency, customization, performance, & extras. A better and faster Underscore.js.
- mori - Library for using ClojureScript's persistent data structures and supporting API from the comfort of vanilla JavaScript.
- Mout - Utility library with the biggest difference between other existing solutions is that you can choose to load only the modules/functions that you need, no extra overhead.
- Ramda - Utility library with a focus on flexible functional composition enabled by automatic currying and reversed argument order. Avoids mutating data.
- RxJS - Functional reactive library for transforming, composing, and querying various kinds of data.
- underscore-contrib - The brass buckles on Underscore's utility belt.
- ember-ajax - Service for making AJAX requests in Ember 1.13+ applications.
- ember-socket-guru - Addon for easy integration with Pusher.js, ActionCable, Socket.io and Phoenix Channels
- ember-composable-helpers - Composable helpers for declarative templating in Ember
- ember-d3-helpers - Collection of Ember.js helpers for building composable D3 charts.
- ember-math-helpers - Ember HTMLBars helpers for basic arithmetic
- ember-promise-helpers - Promise-y sugar for your Ember templates
- ember-route-action-helper - Bubble closure actions in routes
- ember-root-url - A template helper to keep your URLs relative to the app's rootURL.
- ember-store-helpers - This add-on provides helpers related to ember-data.
- ember-truth-helpers - Ember HTMLBars Helpers for {{if}} & {{unless}}: not, and, or, eq & is-array
- ember-awesome-macros - A collection of Ember computed macros.
- ember-macro-helpers - Ember macro helpers for making your own fancy macros!
- ember-cli-string-helpers - Set of the String helpers extracted from DockYard's ember-composable-helpers.
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- ember-svg-jar - The best way to embed SVG images into your Ember application
- ember-auto-import - Zero config import from npm packages
- ember-cli-cjs-transform - CommonJS imports
- ember-cli-es6-transform - Import ES6 modules from npm, bower or anywhere else in your app.
- ember-browserify - ember-cli addon for easily loading CommonJS packages from npm via browserify.
- ember-infinity - Simple, flexible Infinite Scroll for Ember CLI Apps.
- vertical-collection - Infinite Scroll and Occlusion at > 60FPS
- smoke-and-mirrors - Ambitious infinite-scroll and svelte rendering for ambitious applications.
- ember-i18n - Internationalization for Ember
- ember-intl - Translate complex messages string. Localized formatting for date/time, number, and relative time.
- ember-autoresize - Autoresize for Ember Components
- ember-concurrency
- ember-pipeline
- ember-lifeline - An ember addon for managing the lifecyle of asynchronous behavior in your objects
- console.re
- ember-debug-logger - An Ember addon to expose the Visionmedia debug logger.
- ember-logging-service - This addon provides a general and extensible logging service that can be used throughout your application
- raygun
- javascript-algorithms - Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings
- ember-a11y-landmarks - https://github.com/ember-a11y/ember-a11y-landmarks
- ember-a11y - A collection of tools to build accessible Ember applications.
- ember-gestures - Ember Gestures provides an easy way to use gestures by making it simple to define and use HammerJS managers and recognizers throughout your app.
- ember-katex - Render your LaTeX formulas using KaTeX
- ember-keyboard - An Ember.js addon for the painless support of keyboard events
- ember-steps - Declarative create wizards, tabbed UIs, and more
- ember-user-activity - Ember Addon for tracking user activity & idling
- ember-metrics - Send data to multiple analytics services without re-implementing new API
- ember-hbs-minifier - Stripping whitespace out of your Handlebars templates
- diagonal routes - See what route structure, templates and route hooks are for a given ember route definition.
- ember data model maker - Ember Data Model Maker (EDMM).
- corber - Tooling for cordova and crosswalk hybrid applications built with Ember
- ember-mobile-bar - Managed fixed (tool)bars with mobile app-like behaviour
- ember-mobile-core - Provides a pan recognizer and some utils for the ember-mobile-* addons
- ember-mobile-menu - Draggable sidebar specifically tailored to mobile devices
- ember-mobile-pane - ember-mobile-pane
- ember-responsive - Easy responsive layouts with Ember
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- ember-parcel-example - Ember.js + Parcel.js Example
- todomvc-demo - Glimmer.js + Parcel.js Exmaple
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- ember-credit-card - "make your credit card form dreamy in one line of code"
- ember-angle-bracket-invocation-polyfill - This addon provides a polyfill for angle bracket invocation syntax as described in RFC 311.
- ember-named-arguments-polyfill - Polyfills support for named arguments for Ember 2.10 through 3.0.
- ember-router-service-polyfill - This addon provides a best effort polyfill for the ember-routing-router-service feature added in Ember 2.15.
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- ember-service-worker-asset-cache
- ember-service-worker-cache-fallback
- ember-service-worker-cache-first
- ember-service-worker-index
- ember-service-worker-prember
- ember-service-worker - A pluggable approach to Service Workers for Ember.js
- ember-web-app - This Ember addon helps you configure and manage the manifest.json and meta tags needed to create progressive web applications
- ember-parachute - Improved Query Params for Ember
- ember-href-to - A lightweight alternative to {{link-to}}
- ember-cli-flash - Simple, highly configurable flash messages for ember-cli.
- ember-redirect - This addon aims to be a simple and easy way to preform route based redirects with minimal effort.
- ember-router-scroll - Scroll to top with preserved browser history scroll position.
- ember-can - Simple authorisation addon for Ember apps.
- ember-fastboot - Server-side rendering for Ember.js apps
- ember-meta - Setup meta for your Prember/Ember blog to support opengraph, microdata, Facebook, Twitter, Slack etc.
- prember-rss-feed - Ship RSS feeds for your Prember site
- prember - Prerender Ember apps with Fastboot at build time.
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- ember-cli-sass - Use node-sass to preprocess your ember-cli app's files, with support for sourceMaps and include paths
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- ember-a11y-testing - A suite of accessibility tests that can be run within the Ember testing framework
- ember-cli-code-coverage - Code coverage for ember apps using Istanbul
- ember-cli-mirage - Build, test and demo your app using a JSON API-compliant client-side server.
- ember-cli-mocha - Mocha and Chai tests for ember-cli applications
- ember-cli-page-object - This ember-cli addon eases the construction of page objects on your acceptance and integration tests
- ember-cli-yadda - Write cucumber specs for ember-cli applications
- ember-concurrency-test-waiter - Easily enable test waiters for ember-concurrency tasks
- ember-exam - Run your tests with randomization, splitting, and parallelization for beautiful tests.
- ember-percy - Ember addon for visual regression testing with Percy
- ember-qunit - QUnit test helpers for Ember
- ember-test-friendly-error-handler - Build testable error handlers that don't throw in production...
- ember-test-selectors - Enabling better element selectors in Ember.js tests
- ember-test-setup - Testing shorthands to reduce duplication
- ember-cli-pact - Contract testing with Ember.js and Pact
- ember-window-mock - Use window global as an Ember service that can be mocked in tests
- mirage-glue - This program reads your API endpoint and creates or appends response to relevant mirage fixture file(s).
- ember-text-measurer - Simple Ember Service to measure the width of a string in a performant way
- ember-cli-typescript - Use TypeScript in your Ember.js apps!
- ember-typings - Typescript type definitions for ember.js
- ember-bootstrap - Provides a collection of native Ember components that mimic the original Bootstrap plugins and components in an ember friendly way
- ember-ghost-casper-template - A static site version of the default personal blogging theme for Ghost
- ember-paper - The Ember approach to Material Design.
- ember-radical - Feather light, fully accessible DDAU component library for your Ember apps.
- Nomad UI - https://demo.nomadproject.io
- Semantic-UI-Ember - This is the official Ember library for the Semantic-UI modules.
- ember-burger-menu - An off-canvas sidebar component with a collection of animations and styles using CSS transitions.
- ember-flatpickr - An Ember addon that wraps the Flatpickr date picker.
- ember-power-select - The extensible select component built for ember.
- ember-basic-dropdown - The basic dropdown you ember app needs
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- ember-onbeforeunload - invoke logic when transitioning between routes or closing window
Ember Syntax - Syntax highlighting for Ember template files AND syntax highlighting for inline template definitions with tagged templates!
ember-language-server - Language Server Protocol implementation for Ember.js projects
vscode-ember-colorizer - VsCode extension that colorizes/tokeninzes Ember .hbs, Controllers, and Routes files.
ember-module-snippets - Snippets to make importing Ember modules a snap in VSCode
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- ember-dynamic-render-template - Render DOM from a template string.
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Adopting ember-concurrency or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Task
Async or Swim: Replacing your Route models with Ember Concurrency Tasks
Building a performant real-time web app with Ember Fastboot and Phoenix
Ember Best Practices: Computed Properties with Dynamic Dependent Keys
Ember CLI Addon Docs: Shared Documentation for the Ember Ecosystem
Ember Timer Leaks: The Bad Apples in Your Test Infrastructure
What you didn't know about passing dynamic classname and attribute bidings from parent template
Secrets of the Ember-CLI server: Express middleware with Ember-CLI
- Ember Daily Tips
- emberway.io
- yehudakatz
- 201-created.com
- airpair.com
- alexdiliberto.com
- balinterdi.com - Balint Erdi blog.
- codeburst.io
- codementor.io
- dockyard.com
- emberigniter.com
- blog.embermap.com
- engineering.linkedin.com
- hackernoon.com
- lolma.us
- madhatted.com
- medium.com/ember-ish - Ember.js essentials for beginners and intermediate devs
- netguru.co
- programwitherik.com - Ember.js tuts
- rwjblue.com
- shipshape.io
- simplabs.com
- thejsguy.com
- A deep dive into the Ember JS runloop
- Deliver Audacious Web Apps with Ember 2 by Matthew White
- Developing an Ember.js Edge
- Ember Data in the Wild
- ember-cli 101 by Adolfo Builes
- Ember for Artisans - Creating Single Page Apps backed by Laravel
- Ember.js in Action by Joachim Haagen Skeie
- Professor Frisby's Mostly adequate guide to Functional Programming
- Rock and Roll with Ember.js
- Pragmatic, balanced FP in JavaScript
- ember-mocha-codemods - Codemod scripts for ember-mocha
- ember-module-migrator - Automated migration for new Ember application layout.
- ember-qunit-codemod - This codemod is intended to automatically convert your projects from the older moduleFor* syntax of ember-qunit@2 to the newer syntax.
- ember-test-helpers-codemod - Codemod to transform your Ember tests to use @ember/test-helpers
- es5-getter-ember-codemod - This codemod is intended to automatically convert your usage of get, and getProperties to use traditional object dot notation.
- qunit-dom-codemod - Basic codemod to automatically convert your assertions to qunit-dom assertions.
- test-selectors-codemod - A codemode for fixing the ember-test-selectors testSelector helper deprecation.
- ember-on-codemod - Replace use of Ember.on
- Emberschool.com
- Frontend Masters: Advanced Ember 2.x - Mike North
- Frontend Masters: Ember 2.x - Mike North
- emberaddons - Ember Addons.
- emberobserver - Ember Observer.
- emberjs.github.io/rfcs/ - Ember RFCs.
- Open Source Ember Apps
- API Docs - This application was built to display our versioned API docs.
- guides-app - Replacement for emberjs/guides and the Ember Guides
- Builds - This is the application that the Ember.js team built to display our various release channels.
- HospitalRun - Ember front end for HospitalRun hospitalrun.io
- Rancher - Rancher is enterprise management for Kubernetes.
- Super Rentals - Super Rentals is a good starter project to get acclimated to the Ember.js way of doing things
- Travis CI - The Ember web client for Travis CI
- Vault - A Tool for Managing Secrets (Hashicorp)
- ember-osf-web - Ember front-end for the Open Science Framework
- ember-rolodex - An example of what an Ember tutorial between the quick start and Super Rents could look like.
- ember-styleguide
- Ghost Admin Client
- emberclear - Encrypted Chat. No History. No Logs. + MU & TS
- Ember.js nested engines example app + Fastboot.
- Percy's frontend web application, built with Ember.
- Fire Tracker - KPCC's tool for following & researching California wildfires.
- skylines-project - Live tracking, flight database and competition framework
- Ember + ESLint + Prettier + Ember Suave
- @listochkin/Ember.js Video Collection (Ru/En)
- @rwjblue/ember_examples
- @wycats/A small sampling of external projects initially built for Ember use but designed to be used standalone
- Ember publishing tools
- ember-cli es6 imports
- Ember-cli Windows speedup
- How to debug an ember application with VS Code
- builtwithember - Apps powered by Ember.js.
- emberwatch - The community hub for Ember.js content
- Ember Weekly - The latest Ember.js news, tips, and code delivered directly to your inbox.
- Official Ember Blog - Big announcements like new Ember.js version release notes or State of the Union information.
- statusboard - STATUS BOARD
- The Ember Times - Updates from the Ember.js Learning Team.
- BuildLab: EmberJS Screencasts for the determined.
- Ember 101 - Short introductory screencasts for Ember.
- Ember Screencasts - Weekly Screencasts for the Busy Developer.
- EmberCasts - Currently on hiatus whilst the author works on the next version of Handlebars.
- EmberWatch - Screencasts - A collection of Ember screencasts.
- Building Realtime Apps with Ember.js and WebSockets - Ben Limmer
- Deploying a Location-Aware Ember Application - Ben Limmer
- Developing Desktop Apps with Electron & Ember.js - FITC WebU2017 - Aidan Nulman
- Developing Desktop Apps with Electron & Ember.js
- Ember addons, served three ways - Mike North
- Ember At Scale - Chad Hietala, LinkedIn
- EmberConf 2015 – Ambitious UX for Ambitious Apps - Lauren Elizabeth Tan
- EmberConf 2016 – Idiomatic Ember: Finding the Sweet Spot of Performance & Productivity - Lauren Elizabeth Tan
- Fun with Ember 2.x Features - Ben Limmer
- How do I Even Web App - An introduction to web programming with Ember CLI by Lydia Guarino
- Rapid prototyping and easy testing with ember cli mirage - Krzysztof Bialek
- Start Me Up - Building an MVP with EmberJS, Firebase and Material Design - Brendan O'Hara
- Upgrading Ember.js Apps - Ben Limmer
- Ember Data Sails Adapter - An Ember data adaptor for the Sails.js sockets.
- Ember Data WordPress Adapter - An Ember data adapter for the WordPress JSON API.
- Ember Gist - Demo Ember CLI'eque apps using Github Gist.
- Ember Inspector - Adds an Ember tab to Chrome or Firefox Developer Tools that allows you to inspect Ember objects in your application. - Officially maintained.
- Ember Perf - Measure user-percieved performance data in your ember.js app
- Ember Twiddle - An Ember Twiddle for multiples files which lets you save your work in Github.
- ember-cli-diff - A simple tool to see differences between new ember apps.
- ember-cli - The command line interface for ambitious web applications.
- ember-data-model-maker - UI to make ember-data models & payload examples
- Glimmer Playground - An Glimmer.js playground.
- gulp-ember-handlebars - Compiles Handlebars templates to JS ready for Ember.
- mber - Ember-cli replacement. Currently alpha.
- remote-inspector - Lets you inspect apps running on different devices/browsers over the network using websockets.
- How to learn EmberJS in a hurry
- Discover Ember 2 - Learn how to build a Twitter clone from scratch
- Ember Components: A Deep Dive - A closer look at using Ember Components.
- Ember runloop handbook - A deep dive into the Ember JS runloop.
- Ember with Phoenix (AKA The PEEP Stack) - Developing an Ember front-end alongside a JSON API-compliant Phoenix backend.
- Getting into Ember.js - A five part introductory course to Ember.
- Getting Started with Ember.js using Ember CLI - Building a Todo app with Ember CLI.
- yoember.com/ - Ember.js Tutorial - From beginner to advance.
- build-pacman
- Adolfo Builes
- Alex Matchneer
- Alex Navasardyan
- alexspeller
- Brian Cardarella
- Ember Talk
- Ember Watch
- EmberSherpa
- Erik Bryn
- Gavin Joyce
- Jamie White
- Jo Liss
- mixonic
- Robin Ward
- Stefan Penner
- Tom Dale
- Trek Glowacki
- Global Ember Meetup
- Ember @ Netflix
- Ember Engines at Scale
- Ember Test Recorder
- Ember-cli In-Repo Addons with Jacob Bixby
- ember-content-placeholders
- Ember.JS in the Year 2020
- EmberConf 2014 - Videos of the sessions from EmberConf 2014.
- EmberConf 2015 - Videos of the sessions from EmberConf 2015.
- EmberConf 2016 - Videos of the sessions from EmberConf 2016.
- EmberConf 2017 - Videos of the sessions from EmberConf 2017.
- EmberConf 2018 - Videos of the sessions from EmberConf 2018.
- ReactiveConf 2017 - Tom Dale: Secrets of the Glimmer VM
- ReactiveConf 2017
- Tim Thomas - Using Ember.js to build Electron Apps
- Tom Dale on Static Analysis, Upstreaming Glimmer, and Ember in 2018
- Tom Dale Talks EmberJS
- Using TypeScript in Ember
- Web App Performance & Ember.js - Web App Performance & Ember.js
- Why Ember CLI uses Broccoli
- Developing ember apps on glitch.com
- Chris Krycho: TypeScript and Ember js - Why and How?
- Isaac Lee: Use D3 with Ember
- Open Source Live - Robert Jackson and Chris Manson pair on ember-cli