Resources and references related to Drummer.
Drummer is a web scripting environment built around outlining and JavaScript. A common use is blogging. Built by Dave Winer.
- Drummer website - Where the action happens.
- Documentation - There's lots, worth reading a few times.
- Support site - Submit issues for bugs.
- Request for Comment - Platform for discussing new developments that involve drummer.
- Change (b)log - Official blog capturing changes and updates.
- Change log in drummer - Official blog but viewed as an outline in drummer.
- Github repo - Code and templates for drummerCMS.
- Getting started - Walkthrough of outliners and blogging with drummer.
- URL from other nodes - Drumkit script to get the real URL to the highlighted node, more details.
- Cross-posting to - Post to from drummer.
- Drummer with Gatsby - Generate a blog with Gatsby from drummer created opml.
- Drummer with Wordpress - Post to Wordpress via drummer.
- Workflow for inserting images - a few methods people have employed for streamling image insertion.
- Setup custom domain with https - Steps you need to do for your own domain and SSL.
- Blog from Loqseq journals - Write in loqseq and publish with drummer
- Blogging using Drummer and XSLT - Use an XSLT file with your OPML file to create a blog
- Style guide #1 - Put singular items before titled items.
- Style guide #2 - Don't make titles links.
- Formatting drumkit - You can even format code!
- - Render standalone OPML files.
- Two level renderer - A drumkit script and template that can generate standalone page.
- Concord Reader - Add your opml url to the end, e.g.
- Instant Outlines demo- Add your opml url to the end, e.g
- Small Picture Reader
- Docserver - Add your opml url to the end, e.g
- Create and edit RSS subscription lists
- Drumkit Samples - Github repo from Gary Teter with several sample scripts
- Open in IAWriter As New File - Another Gary Teter sample script
- Shared Source OPML File - Scripts from Frank McPherson
- Shared Source OPML File - Scripts from Andy Sylvester
- How to close a tab with no close box - If Drummer has a problem in opening a tab, this can result in a tab with no close box, or a tab that does not appear to have any content in it. This link provides instructions for several ways to close the tab.
- Force a reload of Drummer - When a problem occurs, one thing to try is to force a reload of the Drummer software. These instructions are for Google Chrome, other browsers are similar.
- Look in Javascript console - When a problem occurs, there may be a Javascript error associated with the problem. These instructions for opening the Javascript console in Developer Tools are for Google Chrome, other browsers are similar. It might be good to open the console and do a reload if there is no obvious problem at opening the console.
- Extra blank menu items in menu bar - If you see this problem, you may have items in the Scripts menu that are not aligned properly. If this is the case, you should open the Scripts menu to check (see this page for instructions).
- Automating backups - a few options for automating opml backups.
- Roady Scripts Menu - Roady adds features to Drummer to make it easier to work with GitHub. The key feature is continuous, automatic backup of your Drummer files to GitHub.
- Old School Drummers Reading List - River of news of drummer bloggers.
- sabre23t's drummer users list - Curated list of drummers.
- List of drummer users - A twitter list of users with drummer blogs.
- Benefits of writing with Drummer - Amit explains why he likes using it.
We welcome all contributions and discussion. There's a lot of good content out there and it can be hard to always find it. Particularly when issues are solved in an issues thread. If you want to write a blog post explaining some of these or other things more succinctly please do. 🥁