/ / ▶ Stacks Pyth Bridge
/ --- / Bridging Pyth price feeds to the Stacks blockchain.
/ / Retrieve trading pairs (BTC-USD, STX-USD, etc) from Clarity smart contracts.
Status: Alpha, do not use in production
Stacks is a blockchain linked to Bitcoin by its consensus mechanism that spans the two chains, called Proof of Transfer. This enables Stacks to leverage Bitcoin’s security and enables Stacks apps to use Bitcoin’s state. Stacks is a Bitcoin layer that enables decentralized apps and smart contracts.
Pyth Network is an oracle that publishes financial market data to multiple blockchains. The market data is contributed by over 80 first-party publishers, including some of the biggest exchanges and market making firms in the world. Pyth offer price feeds for a number of different asset classes, including US equities, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. Each price feed publishes a robust aggregate of publisher prices that updates multiple times per second. Price feeds are available on multiple blockchains and can also be used in off-chain applications.
Wormhole is a decentralized attestation engine that leverages its network of guardians to trustlessly bridge information between the chains it supports. Wormhole has a simple, elegant, and pragmatic design that has enabled it to be the first real solution to ship to market and has received wide recognition and support from its member chains.
The bridge is being operated through an offchain service stacks-pyth-relayer
and a set of contracts implementing the core functionalities specified by the Wormhole protocol.
The contracts are developped in Clarity and is using Clarinet for its test harnessing. This guide is assuming that a recent installation of Clarinet (available on brew and winget) is available locally.
Git clone and compile stacks-pyth-relayer
$ git clone https://github.com/hirosystems/stacks-pyth-bridge.git
$ cd stacks-pyth-bridge
Start a local Devnet using the command:
$ clarinet integrate
In another console, the service can be compiled and installed using the command:
$ cd stacks-pyth-bridge/relayer
$ cargo install --path .
Once installed, a config can be generated using the command:
$ stacks-pyth-relayer config new
A typical valid config looks like this:
network = "mainnet"
price_service_url = "https://xc-mainnet.pyth.network"
price_feeds_ids = [
# "0xf9c0172ba10dfa4d19088d94f5bf61d3b54d5bd7483a322a982e1373ee8ea31b", # BTC-USD (testnet)
# "0xc2703fcc925ad32b6256afc3ebad634970d1b1ffb3f4143e36b2d055b1dcd29b", # STX-USD (testnet)
"0xe62df6c8b4a85fe1a67db44dc12de5db330f7ac66b72dc658afedf0f4a415b43", # BTC-USD (mainnet)
# Price feeds ids available here: https://pyth.network/developers/price-feed-ids
network = "devnet"
stacks_node_rpc_url = "http://localhost:20443"
pyth_oracle_contract_address = "ST1PQHQKV0RJXZFY1DGX8MNSNYVE3VGZJSRTPGZGM.pyth-price-feed-oracle-v1"
mnemonic = "prevent gallery kind limb income control noise together echo rival record wedding sense uncover school version force bleak nuclear include danger skirt enact arrow"
derivation_path = "m/44'/5757'/0'/0/0"
start_block = 6
price_updates_per_minute = 5
enable_rbf = true
enable_microbloks = true
ingestion_port = 10000
After reviewing the generated config, the service can be tested using the command:
$ stacks-pyth-relayer service ping --config-path Bridge.toml
After validating that the service is able to connect to the Price API service and the Stacks chain, the service can be ran with the command:
$ stacks-pyth-relayer service start --config-path Bridge.toml
The operator will start fetching prices from the Pyth network Price API, and submit these Verified Action Attestation to the Pyth contract. The Pyth contract is submitting these VAAs to the wormhole contract, ensuring that the guardians correctly signed the payloads.
network | address |
testnet | ST2J933XB2CP2JQ1A4FGN8JA968BBG3NK3EPXFQFR.pyth-oracle-dev-preview-1 |
mainnet | SP2J933XB2CP2JQ1A4FGN8JA968BBG3NK3EKZ7Q9F.pyth-oracle-dev-preview-1 |
The pyth-oracle-v1
contract is exposing the following readonly method:
(define-read-only (read-price-feed
(price-feed-id (buff 32))))
That can be consumed with the following invocation:
'ST1PQHQKV0RJXZFY1DGX8MNSNYVE3VGZJSRTPGZGM.pyth-oracle-v1 ;; Address of the oracle contract
The authenticity of the price feeds are verified during their ingestion, making the cost of queries as light as it could be.
Each Pyth Network price feed is referred to via a unique id. Price feeds also have different ids in mainnets than testnets or devnets. The full list of price feeds is listed on the pyth.network website. The price feed ids page lists the id of each available price feed on every chain where they are available. To use a price feed on-chain, look up its id using these pages, then store the feed id in your program to use for price feed queries.
Price Feeds usage and best practices are described on the pyth.network developer documentation website.
Pair | Price Feed ID |
STX-USD | 0xec7a775f46379b5e943c3526b1c8d54cd49749176b0b98e02dde68d1bd335c17 |
Pair | Price Feed ID |
STX-USD | 0xec7a775f46379b5e943c3526b1c8d54cd49749176b0b98e02dde68d1bd335c17 |
BTC-USD | 0xe62df6c8b4a85fe1a67db44dc12de5db330f7ac66b72dc658afedf0f4a415b43 |
ETH-USD | 0xff61491a931112ddf1bd8147cd1b641375f79f5825126d665480874634fd0ace |
Feel free to open an issue on this repo if more prices are required for your application. The full list of prices is available here.
For every new price recorded and stored on chain, the pyth-oracle-v1
is emitting an event with the following shape:
(print {
type: "price-feed",
action: "updated",
data: {
attestation-time: u1686854317,
conf: u2064471426,
ema-conf: u1891952230,
ema-price: 2507095440000,
expo: 4294967288,
prev-conf: u2064471426,
prev-price: 2515455528574,
prev-publish-time: u1686854316,
price: 2515455528574,
publish-time: u1686854317,
status: u1
} })
These events can be observed using Chainhook, using the print
- [] Support for
wire format - [] Resolve todos, mostly aiming at adding more checks in both wormhole and pyth contracts
- [] Address insufficient test coverage
- [] Add a method to update the list of price feeds watched
- [] Resolve build warnings
- [] Improve documentation
- [] Add example