When we publish this code on Azure - we are getting below error.
We have talked, azure technical support and they are saying -> your code is trying to write something to server area and that is not possible in azure.
this code is generating error on azure server.
var apns = ApnsClient.CreateUsingJwt(new HttpClient(new WinHttpHandler()), options);
can you help with this, any help is much appreciated.
System.Security.Cryptography.NCryptNative.ImportKey(SafeNCryptProviderHandle provider, Byte[] keyBlob, String format)
at System.Security.Cryptography.CngKey.Import(Byte[] keyBlob, String curveName, CngKeyBlobFormat format, CngProvider provider)
at dotAPNS.ApnsClient.CreateUsingJwt(HttpClient http, ApnsJwtOptions options)
at FileReadDemo.Helper.PushNotification.d__1.MoveNext()