Below are example (they are all working, check them out!) Outputs from this template:
- S3BucketURL:
- S3BucketSecureURL:
- ApiGatewayInvokeURL:
- RDSHostname:
represent URLs(http and https) to VueJS App(built by AWS CodeBuild on every Github commit) served from S3.ApiGatewayInvokeURL
represents URL to Api Gateway Method that will Execute Python Lambda which fetches data from RDS.RDSHostname
represents connection string for RDS (RDS is not publicly available).
First request to Lambda might be slow due to Lambda Cold Start.
Key | Type | Default |
S3BucketName | String | - |
GitHubRepo | String | |
CodeBuildProjectName | String | - |
CodeBuildComputeType | String | BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL |
CodeBuildEnvImage | String | node:alpine |
CodeBuildTimeout | Number | 10 |
ApiGatewayStageName | String | v1 |
LambdaFunctionName | String | fetch-data-function |
LambdaMemoryLimit | Number | 128 |
LambdaRuntime | String | python2.7 |
LambdaTimeout | Number | 10 |
LambdaSubnets | ListAWS::EC2::Subnet::Id | 10 |
LambdaS3Bucket | String | rds-lambda-test-agt |
LambdaS3Key | String | |
VpcId | AWS::EC2::VPC::Id | - |
DBName | String | AGTtest |
DBUser | String | - |
DBPassword | String | - |
DBInstanceClass | String | db.t2.small |
DBEngine | String | mysql |
DBEngineVersion | String | 5.6.40 |
RDSParamGroupFamily | String | MySQL5.6 |
RDSSGCidr | String | |
Key | Description |
S3BucketURL | URL for SPA hosted on S3 |
S3BucketSecureURL | Secure URL for SPA hosted on S3 |
ApiGatewayInvokeURL | URL for API Gateway resource that will return RDS data |
RDSHostname | RDS DB internal hostname and port |
Logical Name | Type |
ApiGateway | AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi |
ApiGatewayDeployment | AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment |
ApiGatewayMethod | AWS::ApiGateway::Method |
BucketPolicy | AWS::S3::BucketPolicy |
CodeBuildProject | AWS::CodeBuild::Project |
CodeBuildServiceRole | AWS::IAM::Role |
LambdaApiGatewayInvoke | AWS::Lambda::Permission |
LambdaFunction | AWS::Lambda::Function |
LambdaIAMRole | AWS::IAM::Role |
LambdaLogGroup | AWS::Logs::LogGroup |
RDS | AWS::RDS::DBInstance |
RDSParamGroup | AWS::RDS::DBParameterGroup |
RDSSecurityGroup | AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup |
S3Bucket | AWS::S3::Bucket |
- Clone this repo
git clone && cd aws-cf-s3-rds
- Copy Github credentials json in
cp source-credentials.example.json source-credentials.json
- Change username and token (If you don't have personal token, create it here) in
- Import source credentials from JSON into your account
aws codebuild import-source-credentials --cli-input-json file://source-credentials.json
- Deploy Cloudformation template with
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file cf-s3-codebuild-lambda-rds.yml --capabilities \
CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --parameter-overrides S3BucketName=bucket-name-here \
CodeBuildProjectName=codebuild-project-name-here DBUser=db-user-here DBPassword=db-password-here VpcId=vpc-id-here RDSSGCidr=cidr-here --stack-name stack-name-here
Or apply template from AWS Console
Run initial CodeBuild build (any commit will also trigger build)
Only prerequirement for this template is VPC with IGW
This example uses hardcoded Lambda function written in Python that connects to RDS and fetches todos from the DB table. Deployment package of Python Lambda function can be downloaded here.