Hello, my name is Austin Lai.
I'm a technical writer, UX content strategist, and content designer living in San Francisco, CA.
Since graduating college and returning to the Bay Area after culinary school in London, I've enjoyed recipe testing, aromatherapy, and gardening in my apartment in the Lower Haight. I serve as the Communications Chair for the UChicago Alumni Club of the Bay Area and a Contributing Member of the UChicago Alumni Pride affinity group.
I love candles, house plants, and wine—my favorite candle right now is Grapefruit + Mangosteen from Basik, a small San Francisco producer. I have a baby snake plant and dream of owning a thick-stemmed Monstera one day!
On the weekend, you can find me at Arizmendi Bakery, Omnivore Bookstore, or Barry's in Castro.
You can contact me at austinlai.97@gmail.com
or find me on GitHub and LinkedIn.
{% file src=".gitbook/assets/austin-lai-spring-resume-2021 (1).pdf" %} My Resume {% endfile %}