Hide'n'Seek Gamemode Plugin for Impostor Among Us Server.
- Impostors are Seekers and Crewmates are Hiders. Hiders are white and Seekers are orange.
- First 20 seconds Hiders try to find spots to hide while Seekers are waiting on spawn.
- Once 20 seconds pass, Seekers become red and they can find and kill Hiders.
- Hiders can't report bodies or call emergency meetings, and Seekers can't sabotage except lowering light level.
- If Seekers can't find Hiders in 4 minutes, Seekers self-destruct and Hiders win.
- If there is 1 kill remains for Seekers to win, Hiders are colored black.
You can modify round time and hiding time with setround <seconds>
and sethide <seconds>