This project supports emulates belkin wemo switches using ESP 8266 chip. This Project is based on arduino-esp8266-alexa-multiple-wemo-switch by kakopappa with certain modifications like easy configuration of switches and wifi configs.
1. Download the code
2. Open wemos.ino in the Arduino editor.
3. Define switches
4. Flash
To add a new switch to your project , populate below array with your invocation name and ESP8266's GPIO pin number in wemos.ino
/*add your switch details here*/
/*Format {< invocation name >,< GPIO pin number of ESP8266 >} . Add more switches separeated by commas(',')*/
DeviceDetail deviceArray[] = {{"room lights",D4},{"fan",14}};
After flashing the firmware the device will automcatically comeup as a SoftAP when it detects that no wifi is configured .
- Connect your smart phone or laptop to "ConfigAP" ssid and enter "" in your browser, this will open up a config webpage.
- enter your ssid and password. Once configured the device will turn off SoftAP .
The Wifi credetntials are stored on the Flash , so you dont need to configure each time. If the device doesnt detects previously configured Wifi , the device will again come up in softAP mode , repeat the above steps mentioned.