This opensource project is a basic foundation to develop IoT platform for any industrial application using esp8266 based modules and RaspberryPi plafform. Please contribute and enrich this project.
Here we take a Greenhouse Controlling System for the example.
This IoT Greenhouse consists of low power Node MSU esp8266 and few sensors. Here i have used following Sensor modules.
* AM2301 Humidity and Temperature sensor
* AM2320 Humidity and Temperature sensor
* MQ Gas Sensor
* BH1750FVI Light sensor
* Soil moisture sensor
* Rain drop detection sensor
This code base devided in to 3 parts
* sensor node ( This is end devices which will be basically Sensors and Actuators )
* server ( Server to handle all the Sensor and Actuator Data )
* processing ( Application of Computer Vision to your project via RaspberryPi using OpenCV)
Akila Wickey