Quick and dirty solution to redirect a migrated forum Topics/Forums/Users URLs to another.
You must create/generate a map of the source topics/forums/users ids, I've created a sample which is portion of a previous migrated site. The sample assumes that
- the old site live at example.com/forums
- hence all the old paths are prefixed with
- the new forum live at
- forums is now known by category
(it was basically a UBB forum wich was migrated to NodeBB but the redirect would work for almost any other map-redirecting needs)
git clone https://github.com/akhoury/RedirectBB.git
cd RedirectBB
# install dependencies
npm install
# I would use 'forever' or 'supervisor' to keep it running
sudo npm install -g forever
forever -o out.log redirect.js --map="map.sample.json" --port=3000 --host= --verbose
# or simply, for a quick demo, and it will default to values used one line above. minus the -v flag :)
node redirect.js -v
I can't neatly comment a json file, so I will here
// are you redirecting to a new URL, no? leave it blank
"newRootUrl": "forums.example.com",
// the redirect logic will pathname.indexOF() the values in the startWith array
// if there is match, it will look for the next '/' i.e. /forums/topics/123/blablabla
// it will append the /value/ to the startWith[i] matched value, i.e. /forums/topics/123 then try to match it in the paths Map
// if there isnt a next '/' it will append the whole post fix, /forums/topics/123
// if there is no statWith match at all, it would still try to find a match in the map, probably one for the hardcoded ones below
// if that doesn't work, it will redirect to the newRootUrl or '/' if there isn't one set
"startWith": [
"paths": {
// these are basically the large portion
// with dynamic values
"/forums/ubbthreads.php/topics/123": "/topic/321",
"/forums/ubbthreads.php/topics/456": "/topic/654",
"/forums/ubbthreads.php/topics/789": "/topic/987",
"/forums/ubbthreads.php/users/123": "/user/321",
"/forums/ubbthreads.php/users/456": "/user/654",
"/forums/ubbthreads.php/users/789": "/user/987",
"/forums/ubbthreads.php/forums/123": "/category/321",
"/forums/ubbthreads.php/forums/456": "/category/654",
"/forums/ubbthreads.php/forums/789": "/category/987"
// you might have a few to hardcode
"/forums/ubbthreads/newuser": "/register",
"/forums/ubbthreads/login": "/login",
see nginx.example.com to view an example on the setup I needed, basically the old UBB forum lived under example.com/forums, so I have a location /forums directive in nginx to handle all request into that, which just proxies the requests to RedirectBB for it to handle the logic
Notice in nginx.example.com how I kept the /forums/images
pointing to the same dir, and not being handled by this redirector,
since I wanted the old users to keep their uploaded images and avatar working.
if you decide to migrate to NodeBB give this nodebb-plugin-import a shot. I also added nginx.forums.example.com which proxies the requests to NodeBB's process.