...............................Courier service system Desktop Application................................... Courier service system Desktop Application designed to help the Courier service company to manage the courier service easily. The system allows the admin staff, delivery staff, and customer to access the available functionality for each one.
App features:
- The app implemented with Text file.
- The app can run on Windows OS.
- The app implmented with authentication.
- The app designed for three type of users.
Text file used:
- authentaction: to create the admin account
- database: to store the accounts and events details
App funcationality:
Admin user: a. admin dashboard
c. Manage customer accounts
d. Manage delivery staff account
Delivery staff: a. Deliver dahsboard
c. view my profile
d. login
customer user: a. customer dahsboard
c. login
App limitations:
- The app missing some features will be updated later
- The app GUI needs to be imporved
contact me for any question or feedback using the following contacts.
Email: ak_aldhafer@hotmail.com github: akaldhafer linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/abdulmalek-aldhafer-206485173/ instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ak_aldhafer
follow our society as well for any project request or help. https://www.instagram.com/asocietytech