BitBucket Server management utility
node ./src --help
Place connection configuration in this format (f.e. connection.yaml)
user: admin
password: admin
baseUrl: http://localhost:7995/bitbucket
You may also export existing config from your BitBucket with this cmd:
node ./src -c connection.yaml --export config.yaml
This is a good starting point to create your own configuration file.
After you have config.yaml that fully satisfies your desired state, apply it:
node ./src -c connection.yaml -i config.yaml --apply
Apply with --export
node ./src -c connection.yaml -i config.yaml --apply --export before.yaml
Export one more time (don't --apply
node ./src -c connection.yaml -i config.yaml --export after.yaml
Diff with your fav tool, for example
diff -u before.yaml after.yaml
User management is tested for internal bb directory only. This means that bbconf may try to delete users and groups added via LDAP. Behavior is untested, so who knows the result. Mark users and groups directives with ignore keyword (see how it's done in tests).
Logging should be improved.
Dry run option is currently handled in client and it just stops all non-GET requests.
node ./src -c connection.yaml -i config.yaml --apply --dryRun
Work still in progress.
Build your docker image with BB: yarn run docker:bb:build
Start your docker container with BB: yarn run docker:bb:run
To run tests yarn run test
To apply example config node ./src -c example/connection.yaml -i example/config.yaml --logger.outputFile bbconf.log --apply