compileAsync causes infinite chain of requests when metaschema is specified #1821
What version of Ajv are you using? 8.8
Does the issue happen if you use the latest version? yes
Ajv options object
loadSchema: async (url) => {
if (url.startsWith("http://")) {
url = "https://" + url.substring(7)
const ans = await (await fetch(url)).json()
return ans;
JSON Schema
{ "$ref": "", "$schema": "" }
Sample data
The schema never finishes compiling
Your code
const ajv = new Ajv(options)
async function compile() {
await ajv.compileAsync(schema)
console.log("Done compiling")
Here's a sandbox replicating the problem:
Validation result, data AFTER validation, error messages
The schema never finish compiling.
What results did you expect?
The schema to finish compiling.
Are you going to resolve the issue?
I can take a stab at it.