is a sample project combining AWS Lambda functions,
Serverless framework and Kotlin language. It was inspired by
serverless-photo-recognition github project. Intention was to try to
setup project that use AWS Lambda functions with minimal effort - everything thanks to
Serverless framework
- custom authorization leveraging redis for caching user access tokens - this reduce numbers of request (cost) to AWS DynamoDB
- user login and registration
- image upload and conversion to ascii
- storing labeled images in ElasticSearch - labeling is done using AWS Rekognition service
- Create ElasticSearch domain
- Create Redis - due to not being able to call Redis from Lambda I decided to use redislabs free plan.
- One manual tweek is required to make it all work. Login to AWS Management Console and navigate to API Gateway service then on the left side select
nextBinary support
and add files you want to be supporting likeimage/png
- Install and configure serverless framework (Instruction)
- Build project ./gradlew build
- Run
sls deploy
(I'm using dedicated account for serverless calledsless
and it is set in serverless.yml file). When deploy finish successfully all functions URLs will be printed in the console window.
- Register new user:
curl -X POST \
https://xxxx/dev/register \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{"email":"", "password":"admin"}'
- Obtain user access token:
curl -X POST \
https://xxxx/dev/login \
-H 'authorization: Basic dGVzdEB0ZXN0LnBsOmFkbWlu'
- Upload image for recognition and conversion to ascii
curl -X POST \
https://xxxx/dev/gallery \
-H 'content-type: image/png' \
-H 'token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE0OTQ5NTA0NDgsImlzcyI6InRlc3RAdGVzdC5wbCJ9.Dj0itEWPE2PQ6WbeLgIWgHwslaVLWAgRlj-2scJ8Uk4'
- List all images
curl -X GET \
- User can delete his documents:
curl -X DELETE \
https://xxxx/dev/gallery/def2c0d8-5d13-4603-83ef-79bf9e07944d \
-H 'token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE0OTQ5NTA0NDgsImlzcyI6InRlc3RAdGVzdC5wbCJ9.Dj0itEWPE2PQ6WbeLgIWgHwslaVLWAgRlj-2scJ8Uk4'