Contributors: ajmaurya
Tags: Rupee, India Rupee, Rupee Symbol, India Rupee Symbol, Rs.
Donate link:
Requires at least: 2.6.3
Tested up to: 4.9.8
Stable tag: 1.0.0
License: GNU General Public License v3.0
License URI:
WP RupeeFont is a plugin used to add Indian Rupee Symbol on your WordPress blog or Website. It converts all the Rs / Rs. symbol to Indian Rupee Symbol.
WP RupeeFont plugin converts all the Rs / Rs. symbol to Indian Rupee Symbol present on your WordPress blog or Website. The Indian Rupee Symbol is a font which is included with the plugin itself. The visitors of your website do not require any special font at their end.
- Unzip and upload contents of the plugin to your
directory - Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
The WebRupee API is compatible with all the major browsers.
If a user having an unsupported browser visits a page which uses WebRupee API, then he would see "Rs or Rs." depending on what the page previously displayed.
Yes, The rupee symbol generated by WebRupee is like any other text in a page, you can very well apply any of the CSS properties like color, text-shadow, font-size etc.
If a page is using WebRupee API, then the font files are downloaded to the site visitors computer and then the browser uses it. The files which are downloaded are less than 5KB. Once downloaded these font files are cached by the browser. So if a visitor visits a page next he is likely to have that font files already.
A visitor would see "Rs / Rs.". WebRupee looks for "Rs / Rs." and converts it to the Rupee Symbol. So if for some reason WebRupee fails, it will not be able to turn "Rs / Rs." to Rupee Symbol. So the visitos would see "Rs / Rs."
WebRupee is Licensed under the Apache License, Version 3.0 (the "License").
Please visit ( for details.
- Converts Rs / Rs. font text to Rupee Symbol
- First Public Release.