A collection of projects built on the Angular Framework, using the Angular CLI and Express server.
- basic-webpage : Basic single page site build using components and routes.
- github-search : SPA to search and find github users and also list their repos.
- ng-spotify : SPA which uses the Spotify Web API to find artists, albums and also list tracks.
- mean-todo : Basic CRUD WebApp built on the Mongo-Express-Angular-Node Stack to manage todos.
- firebase-biz-list : Business orgs details listing SPA with CRUD functionality implemented using Firebase, uses Foundation for styling.
- workouts-app : An workout tracker mobile app which lets you save and manage workouts, built on Ionic 3.
- socketchat : A chat app built using Angular with Socket.io
- meteor-todo [WIP] : An Angular-Meteor web application
For Angular apps, follow Angular CLI - Express build setup. For Ionic use Ionic CLI to serve/deploy