Supports L5.4
This package offers you a way of downloading translated keys from This translation tool supports tagging which is used to separate your key set.
Fetched the configured list of Locales per Tag from your and creates one file per Tag under you resources/lang/locale/ directory.
+PhraseApp - Suggestion of usage+
When importing/inserting new keys, I suggest to use tags as API accept it as filter option.
Open your config/app.php and insert the following in providers key:
Open your config/filesystems.php and insert the following code:
'disks' => [
'lang' => [
'driver' => 'local',
'root' => resource_path('lang'),
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Ajaaleixo\PhraseApp\PhraseAppServiceProvider"
Open config/laravel-phraseapp.php
and create each .env
key and edit the following:
- project_id
- api.key
- identification
- Phraseapp:Upload Push existing translations to PhraseApp
- Phraseapp:Get:Locales Displays a Table with Available Locales in your Account