Client-sent Host header can include port as "None" #4039
Long story short
When the client forms the Host header, it is possible for it to include the port as "None".
This came up for me when using aiodocker
to try to connect to the Docker API container attach websocket endpoint, which used a URL of the form "unix://localhost/..." and let to a "Host" header of "localhost:None", triggering a 400 error from docker with a message like:
parse ws://localhost:None/v1.35/containers/CONTAINER_ID/attach/ws?stdin=1&stdout=0&stderr=0&stream=1: invalid port ":None" after host
Expected behaviour
At least, not to send "None" as a port number for the Host header.
According to RFC 7230 Section 5.4:
If the authority component is missing or undefined for the target URI, then a client MUST send a Host header field with an empty field-value.
So perhaps it should be possible for the aiohttp
client to get and recognize such a URI and send a blank Host header field.
At the moment though, I think, it doesn't seem possible to send such an "authority"-less URL to ws_connect
nor does there currently exist a conditional path for the Host header construction to make a blank Host header field: lines 314-320
Actual behaviour
The Host header includes the string "None" as the port when making requests whose URL registers as not is_default_port()
but has no port defined, e.g. unix://localhost/path/to/endpoint
Steps to reproduce
This occurred for me while using the aiodocker
package to attach to stdin
of a running container.
A sort of silly example server/client that displays the behavior is as follows:
from aiohttp import web
from asyncio import sleep, create_task
import aiohttp
SOCK_PATH = '/tmp/example.sock'
async def hello(request):
print('Host: '+request.headers['Host'])
return web.Response()
async def make_request():
await sleep(1) # Let the server become available.
conn = aiohttp.UnixConnector(path=SOCK_PATH)
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(connector=conn) as session:
async with session.get('unix://localhost/'):
pass # Produces a Host of "localhost:None"
async with session.get('http://localhost/'):
pass # Produces a Host of "localhost"
async def schedule_request(_):
app = web.Application()
app.add_routes([web.get('/', hello)])
web.run_app(app, path=SOCK_PATH)
======== Running on http://unix:/tmp/example.sock: ========
(Press CTRL+C to quit)
Host: localhost:None
Host: localhost
Your environment
- Debian 9
- Python 3.7.4
- aiohttp 3.5.4
- aiodocker 0.14.0
- Docker 19.03.2-ce
BTW the specific thing that I think make this appear where it didn't before was a security update to Go that make URL parsing more strict: