Auxiliary materials for the PhD Thesis "Reflection in AI-based Music Composition" by Corey Ford.
All material for each study can be found in its designated folder.
- R code used to produce the statistics in the chapter.
- Responses from all of the creative professionals, including the author and supervisors' scores for items for the scale development and the RiCEv1 User Study.
- Information sheet and consent forms for each study phase.
- The cleaned survey data for the scale development and the RiCEv1 User Study.
- A PDF of all surveys sent to participants.
- Information sheet and consent forms for each participant.
- The study script used by the researcher in sessions, including the pre-task questions.
- A transcript of all iterations.
- A visual summary of the design iterations.
- Study Material: Information sheets and consent forms, and the tutorial used for training in the study session.
- Quantitative: The cleaned data collected from the study, R code for its analysis, and a PDF of the questionnaire items.
- Qualitative: The transcribed VCR interviews.
- The information sheet and consent form.
- Music Compositions: Audio files for each music composition produced by the artist-researchers.
- Qualitative: The grouped interview transcripts, first-person accounts (unedited), and reflection boards.
- Quantitative: The questionnaire data and R code for its visualisation.
For further information, please don't hesitate to e-mail me:
- Corey Ford (, formerly QMUL)