A Go implementation of PASETO.
Paseto is everything you love about JOSE (JWT, JWE, JWS) without any of the many design deficits that plague the JOSE standards.
Paseto (Platform-Agnostic SEcurity TOkens) is a specification for secure stateless tokens.
Unlike JSON Web Tokens (JWT), which gives developers more than enough rope with which to hang themselves, Paseto only allows secure operations. JWT gives you "algorithm agility", Paseto gives you "versioned protocols". It's incredibly unlikely that you'll be able to use Paseto in an insecure way.
Caution: Neither JWT nor Paseto were designed for stateless session management. Paseto is suitable for tamper-proof cookies, but cannot prevent replay attacks by itself.
go get -u aidanwoods.dev/go-paseto
Okay, let's create a token:
token := paseto.NewToken()
token.SetExpiration(time.Now().Add(2 * time.Hour))
token.SetString("user-id", "<uuid>")
Now encrypt it:
key := paseto.NewV4SymmetricKey() // don't share this!!
encrypted := token.V4Encrypt(key, nil)
Or sign it (this allows recievers to verify it without sharing secrets):
secretKey := paseto.NewV4AsymmetricSecretKey() // don't share this!!!
publicKey := secretKey.Public() // DO share this one
signed := token.V4Sign(secretKey, nil)
To handle a recieved token, let's use an example from Paseto's test vectors:
The Paseto token is as follows
And the public key, given in hex is:
Importing a public key, and then verifying a token:
publicKey, err := paseto.NewV4AsymmetricPublicKeyFromHex("1eb9dbbbbc047c03fd70604e0071f0987e16b28b757225c11f00415d0e20b1a2") // this wil fail if given key in an invalid format
signed := "v4.public.eyJkYXRhIjoidGhpcyBpcyBhIHNpZ25lZCBtZXNzYWdlIiwiZXhwIjoiMjAyMi0wMS0wMVQwMDowMDowMCswMDowMCJ9v3Jt8mx_TdM2ceTGoqwrh4yDFn0XsHvvV_D0DtwQxVrJEBMl0F2caAdgnpKlt4p7xBnx1HcO-SPo8FPp214HDw.eyJraWQiOiJ6VmhNaVBCUDlmUmYyc25FY1Q3Z0ZUaW9lQTlDT2NOeTlEZmdMMVc2MGhhTiJ9"
parser := paseto.NewParserWithoutExpiryCheck() // only used because this example token has expired, use NewParser() (which checks expiry by default)
token, err := parser.ParseV4Public(publicKey, signed, nil) // this will fail if parsing failes, cryptographic checks fail, or validation rules fail
// the following will succeed
"{\"data\":\"this is a signed message\",\"exp\":\"2022-01-01T00:00:00+00:00\"}",
require.NoError(t, err)
The following validators are supported:
func ForAudience(audience string) Rule
func IdentifiedBy(identifier string) Rule
func IssuedBy(issuer string) Rule
func NotExpired() Rule
func Subject(subject string) Rule
func ValidAt(t time.Time) Rule
A token using claims all the claims which can be validated can be constructed as follows:
token := paseto.NewToken()
secretKeyHex := "b4cbfb43df4ce210727d953e4a713307fa19bb7d9f85041438d9e11b942a37741eb9dbbbbc047c03fd70604e0071f0987e16b28b757225c11f00415d0e20b1a2"
secretKey, _ := paseto.NewV4AsymmetricSecretKeyFromHex(secretKeyHex)
signed := token.V4Sign(secretKey, nil)
The token in signed
can then be validated using a public key as follows:
parser := paseto.NewParser()
publicKeyHex := "1eb9dbbbbc047c03fd70604e0071f0987e16b28b757225c11f00415d0e20b1a2"
publicKey, err := paseto.NewV4AsymmetricPublicKeyFromHex(publicKeyHex)
if err != nil {
// panic or deal with error of invalid key
parsedToken, err := parser.ParseV4Public(publicKey, signed, nil)
if err != nil {
// deal with error of token which failed to be validated, or cryptographically verified
If everything succeeds, the value in parsedToken
will be equivalent to that in token
Version 4 is fully supported.
Version 3 is fully supported.
Version 2 is fully supported.
Only officially supported versions of Go will be supported by Go Paseto. Versions of Go which have recently gone out of support may continue to work with this library for some time, however this is not guarenteed and should not be relied on.
When support for an out of date version of Go is dropped, this will be done as part of a minor version bump.