Is deployed using dockerized images and docker-compose
Nginx proxy with frontend app inside
Backend API service on route /api/v1
MongoDB accessible locally
Certbot for SSL certificate renewal
web-scrapping service
# Run all - !!!!ONLY ONCE!!! -> in root directory of the repository
# first in file ./nginx/nginx.conf comment SSL server section to generate first SSL certificate
# server {
# listen 443 ssl;
# # ...
# Run the nginx proxy service (within compose) - for the certbot to be able to generate cert
$ docker-compose up -d
# Now generate the initial certificate
# You should replace with your email address.
# This command will obtain the certificate and store it in the ./certbot/conf directory.
$ docker-compose run --rm --entrypoint "\
certbot certonly --webroot -w /var/www/certbot \
-d --email --agree-tos --no-eff-email --force-renewal" certbot
# Now after succefully generated SSL certificate, uncomment back nginx.conf to the original state
# Shutdown the whole docker-compose, so it uses updated config file
$ docker-compose down
# Now run all the containers - they will use HTTPS now
$ docker-compose up -d
# attach to container
docker exec -it backend-deployment_elasticsearch_1 /bin/sh
# add user
# Note: do NOT add all roles. Create a new role that will have access to selected index and add the role to the user.
elasticsearch-users useradd <usrname> -p <pwd> -r kibana_system,admin,kibana,user,monitoring,kibana_user,superuser
# add roles example
elasticsearch-users roles <usrname> -a user,index_admin,data_reader,data_writer
#restart kibana
docker-compose restart kibana api