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High-resolution real-time graphic audio spectrum analyzer JavaScript module with no dependencies.


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audioMotion-analyzer is a high-resolution real-time audio spectrum analyzer built upon Web Audio and Canvas JavaScript APIs.

It was originally conceived as part of a full-featured music player called audioMotion, but I later decided to make just the spectrum analyzer available as a self-contained module, so other developers could use it in their own projects.

My goal is to make this the best looking, most accurate and customizable spectrum analyzer around, in a small-footprint and high-performance package.

What users are saying:

I still, to this day, haven't found anything close to audioMotion in terms of beauty. β€” Weakky@github

I've been visualizing input with FFT with p5.js for a while, but got sick of how much code was needed.
This looks way better and works better too.
β€” Staijn1@github

It works amazing! The spectrum is so easy readable even for complex sound. β€” davay42@github


  • High-resolution real-time dual channel audio spectrum analyzer
  • Logarithmic frequency scale with customizable range
  • Visualize discrete frequencies or octave bands based on the equal tempered scale
  • Optional effects: vintage LEDs, luminance bars, mirroring and reflection, radial visualization
  • Customizable sensitivity, FFT size and time-smoothing constant
  • Comes with 3 predefined color gradients - easily add your own!
  • Fullscreen support, ready for retina / HiDPI displays
  • Zero-dependency native ES6+ module (ESM), ~20kB minified

Online demos



Live code examples


Native ES6 module (ESM)

Load from Skypack CDN:

<script type="module">
  import AudioMotionAnalyzer from '';
  // your code here

Or download the latest version and copy the audioMotion-analyzer.js file from the src/ folder into your project folder.

npm project

Install as a dependency:

$ npm i --save audiomotion-analyzer

Use ES6 import syntax:

import AudioMotionAnalyzer from 'audiomotion-analyzer';


new AudioMotionAnalyzer( [container], [{options}] )

Creates a new instance of audioMotion-analyzer.

The analyzer canvas will be appended to the HTML element referenced by container, unless you set useCanvas: false in the options.

If container is undefined, the document's body will be used instead.

Usage example:

const audioMotion = new AudioMotionAnalyzer(
		source: document.getElementById('audio')

This will insert the analyzer canvas inside the #container element and start the visualization of audio coming from the #audio element.

Options object

Valid properties and default values are shown below.

Properties marked as constructor only can only be set by the constructor call, the others can also be set anytime via setOptions() method.

options = {
  alphaBars: false,
  audioCtx: undefined, // constructor only
  barSpace: 0.1,
  bgAlpha: 0.7,
  connectSpeakers: true, // constructor only
  fftSize: 8192,
  fillAlpha: 1,
  fsElement: undefined, // constructor only
  gradient: 'classic',
  height: undefined,
  ledBars: false,
  lineWidth: 0,
  loRes: false,
  lumiBars: false,
  maxDecibels: -25,
  maxFreq: 22000,
  minDecibels: -85,
  minFreq: 20,
  mirror: 0,
  mode: 0,
  onCanvasDraw: undefined,
  onCanvasResize: undefined,
  outlineBars: false,
  overlay: false,
  radial: false,
  reflexAlpha: 0.15,
  reflexBright: 1,
  reflexFit: true,
  reflexRatio: 0,
  showBgColor: true,
  showFPS: false,
  showLeds: false, // DEPRECATED - use ledBars instead
  showPeaks: true,
  showScaleX: true,
  showScaleY: false,
  smoothing: 0.5,
  source: undefined, // constructor only
  spinSpeed: 0,
  splitGradient: false,
  start: true,
  stereo: false,
  useCanvas: true,
  volume: 1,
  width: undefined

Constructor-specific options

audioCtx AudioContext object

Available since v2.0.0

Allows you to provide an external AudioContext for audioMotion-analyzer, for connection with other Web Audio nodes or sound-processing modules.

Since version 3.2.0, audioCtx will be automatically inferred from the source property if that's an AudioNode.

If neither is defined, a new audio context will be created. After instantiation, audioCtx will be available as a read-only property.

See this live code and the multi-instance demo for more usage examples.

connectSpeakers boolean

Available since v3.2.0

Whether or not to connect the analyzer output to the speakers (technically, the AudioContext destination node).

Some scenarios where you may want to set this to false:

  1. when running multiple instances of audioMotion-analyzer sharing the same audio input (see the multi demo), only one of them needs to be connected to the speakers, otherwise the volume will be amplified due to multiple outputs;
  2. when audio input comes from the microphone and you're not using headphones, to prevent a feedback loop from the speakers;
  3. when you're using audioMotion-analyzer with an audio player which already outputs sound to the speakers (same reason as 1).

After instantiation, use connectOutput() and disconnectOutput() to connect or disconnect the output from the speakers (or other nodes).

Defaults to true.

See also connectedTo.

fsElement HTMLElement object

Available since v3.4.0

HTML element affected by the toggleFullscreen() method.

If not defined, defaults to the canvas. Set it to a container <div> to keep additional interface elements available in fullscreen mode.

See the overlay demo or this pen for usage examples.

After instantiation, fsElement is available as a read-only property.

source HTMLMediaElement or AudioNode object

If source is specified, connects an HTMLMediaElement object (an <audio> or <video> HTML tag) or any instance of AudioNode to the analyzer.

At least one audio source is required for the analyzer to work. You can also connect audio sources after instantiation, using the connectInput() method.

start boolean

If start: false is specified, the analyzer will be created stopped. You can then start it with the toggleAnalyzer() method.

Defaults to true, so the analyzer will start running right after initialization.


alphaBars boolean

Available since v3.6.0

When set to true each bar's amplitude affects its opacity, i.e., higher bars are rendered more opaque while shorter bars are more transparent.

This is similar to the lumiBars effect, but bars' amplitudes are preserved and it also works on Discrete mode and radial visualization.

For effect priority when combined with other settings, see isAlphaBars.

Defaults to false.

!> See related known issue

audioCtx AudioContext object (Read only)

AudioContext used by audioMotion-analyzer.

Use this object to create additional audio sources to be connected to the analyzer, like oscillator nodes, gain nodes and media streams.

The code fragment below creates an oscillator and a gain node using audioMotion's AudioContext, and then connects them to the analyzer:

const audioMotion = new AudioMotionAnalyzer( document.getElementById('container') ),
      audioCtx    = audioMotion.audioCtx,
      oscillator  = audioCtx.createOscillator(),
      gainNode    = audioCtx.createGain();

oscillator.frequency.value = 440; // set 440Hz frequency
oscillator.connect( gainNode ); // connect oscillator -> gainNode

gainNode.gain.value = .5; // set volume to 50%
audioMotion.connectInput( gainNode ); // connect gainNode -> audioMotion

oscillator.start(); // play tone

You can provide your own AudioContext via the audioCtx property in the constructor options.

See also the fluid demo and the multi-instance demo for more usage examples.

barSpace number

Available since v2.0.0

Customize the spacing between bars in octave bands modes.

Use a value between 0 and 1 for spacing proportional to the band width. Values >= 1 will be considered as a literal number of pixels.

For example, barSpace = 0.5 will use half the width available to each band for spacing and half for the bar itself. On the other hand, barSpace = 2 will set a fixed spacing of 2 pixels, independent of the width of bars. Prefer proportional spacing to obtain consistent results among different resolutions and screen sizes.

barSpace = 0 will effectively show contiguous bars, except when ledBars is true, in which case a minimum spacing is enforced (this can be customized via setLedParams() method).

Defaults to 0.1.

bgAlpha number

Available since v2.2.0

Controls the opacity of the background, when overlay and showBgColor are both set to true.

It must be a number between 0 (completely transparent) and 1 (completely opaque).

Defaults to 0.7.

canvas HTMLCanvasElement object (Read only)

Canvas element created by audioMotion.

canvasCtx CanvasRenderingContext2D object (Read only)

2D rendering context used for drawing in audioMotion's Canvas.

connectedSources array (Read only)

Available since v3.0.0

An array of AudioNode objects connected to the analyzer input via the source constructor option, or by using the connectInput() method.

connectedTo array (Read only)

Available since v3.2.0

An array of AudioNode objects to which the analyzer output is connected.

By default, audioMotion-analyzer is connected to the AudioContext destination node (the speakers) upon instantiation, unless you set connectSpeakers: false in the constructor options.

See also connectOutput().


This property will be removed in version 4.0.0 - Use getEnergy() instead.

fftSize number

Number of samples used for the FFT performed by the AnalyzerNode. It must be a power of 2 between 32 and 32768, so valid values are: 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, and 32768.

Higher values provide more detail in the frequency domain, but less detail in the time domain (slower response), so you may need to adjust smoothing accordingly.

Defaults to 8192.

fillAlpha number

Available since v2.0.0

Opacity of the area fill in Graph mode, or inner fill of bars in octave bands modes when outlineBars is true.

It must be a number between 0 (completely transparent) and 1 (completely opaque).

Please note that the line stroke (when lineWidth > 0) is always drawn at full opacity, regardless of the fillAlpha value.

Also, for octave bands modes, alphaBars set to true takes precedence over fillAlpha.

Defaults to 1.

!> See related known issue

fps number (Read only)

Current frame rate.

fsElement HTMLElement object (Read only)

Available since v3.4.0

HTML element affected by the toggleFullscreen() method.

See fsElement in the constructor options context for more information.

fsHeight number (Read only)

fsWidth number (Read only)

Canvas dimensions used during fullscreen mode. These take the current pixel ratio into account and will change accordingly when low-resolution mode is set.

gradient string

Currently selected color gradient used for analyzer graphs.

It must be the name of a built-in or registered gradient. Built-in gradients are 'classic', 'prism' and 'rainbow'.

Defaults to 'classic'.

height number

width number

Nominal dimensions of the analyzer.

If one or both of these are undefined, the analyzer will try to adjust to the container's width and/or height. If the container's width and/or height are 0 (inline elements), a reference size of 640 x 270 pixels will be used to replace the missing dimension(s). This should be considered the minimum dimensions for proper visualization of all available modes with the LED effect on.

You can set both values at once using the setCanvasSize() method.

?> You can read the actual canvas dimensions at any time directly from the canvas object.

isAlphaBars boolean (Read only)

Available since v3.6.0

true when alpha bars are effectively being displayed, i.e., alphaBars is set to true and mode is set to discrete frequencies or one of the octave bands modes, in which case lumiBars must be set to false or radial must be set to true.

isFullscreen boolean (Read only)

true when the analyzer is being displayed in fullscreen, or false otherwise.

See toggleFullscreen().

isLedBars boolean (Read only)

Available since v3.6.0 (formerly isLedDisplay)

true when LED bars are effectively being displayed, i.e., ledBars is set to true and mode is set to an octave bands mode and radial is false.

isLedDisplay (DEPRECATED)

This property will be removed in version 4.0.0 - Use isLedBars instead.

isLumiBars boolean (Read only)

Available since v3.0.0

true when luminance bars are effectively being displayed, i.e., lumiBars is set to true and mode is set to an octave bands mode and radial is false.

isOctaveBands boolean (Read only)

Available since v3.0.0

true when mode is set to one of the octave bands modes.

isOn boolean (Read only)

true if the analyzer process is running, or false if it's stopped.

See toggleAnalyzer().

isOutlineBars boolean (Read only)

Available since v3.6.0

true when outlined bars are effectively being displayed, i.e., outlineBars is set to true, mode is set to one of the octave bands modes and both ledBars and lumiBars are set to false, or radial is set to true.

ledBars boolean

Available since v3.6.0 (formerly showLeds)

true to activate a vintage LEDs display effect. Only effective for octave bands modes.

This effect can be customized via setLedParams() method.

For effect priority when combined with other settings, see isLedBars.

Defaults to false.

lineWidth number

Available since v2.0.0

Line width for Graph mode, or outline stroke in octave bands modes when outlineBars is true.

For the line to be distinguishable, set also fillAlpha < 1.

Defaults to 0.

loRes boolean

true for low resolution mode. Defaults to false.

Low resolution mode halves the effective pixel ratio, resulting in four times less pixels to render. This may improve performance significantly, especially in 4K+ monitors.

?> If you want to allow users to interactively toggle low resolution mode, you may need to set a fixed size for the canvas via CSS, like so:

canvas {
    display: block;
    width: 100%;

This will prevent the canvas size from changing, when switching the low resolution mode on and off.

lumiBars boolean

Available since v1.1.0

This is only effective for octave bands modes.

When set to true all analyzer bars will be displayed at full height with varying luminance (opacity, actually) instead.

lumiBars takes precedence over alphaBars and outlineBars, except in radial visualization.

For effect priority when combined with other settings, see isLumiBars.

Defaults to false.

maxDecibels number

minDecibels number

Highest and lowest decibel values represented in the Y-axis of the analyzer. The loudest volume possible is 0.

You can set both values at once using the setSensitivity() method.

For more info, see AnalyserNode.minDecibels.

minDecibels defaults to -85 and maxDecibels defaults to -25.

maxFreq number

minFreq number

Highest and lowest frequencies represented in the X-axis of the analyzer. Values in Hertz.

The minimum allowed value is 1. Trying to set a lower value will throw an ERR_FREQUENCY_TOO_LOW error.

The maximum practical value is half the sampling rate (audioCtx.sampleRate), although this is not enforced by audioMotion-analyzer.

It is preferable to use the setFreqRange() method and set both values at once, to prevent minFreq being higher than the current maxFreq or vice-versa at a given moment.

minFreq defaults to 20 and maxFreq defaults to 22000.

mirror number

Available since v3.3.0

Horizontal mirroring effect. Valid values are:

mirror Effect
-1 Mirrors the analyzer to the left (low frequencies at the center of the screen)
0 Disables mirror effect (default)
1 Mirrors the analyzer to the right (high frequencies at the center of the screen)

Note: when radial is true, both 1 and -1 will produce the same effect.

Defaults to 0.

mode number

Current visualization mode.

  • Discrete mode provides the highest resolution, allowing you to visualize individual frequencies amplitudes as provided by the FFT computation;
  • Octave bands modes display wider vertical bars, each one representing the nth part of an octave, based on a 24-tone equal tempered scale;
  • Graph mode uses the discrete data points to draw a continuous line and/or filled area graph (see fillAlpha and lineWidth properties).
mode description notes
0 Discrete frequencies
1 1/24th octave bands
2 1/12th octave bands
3 1/8th octave bands
4 1/6th octave bands
5 1/4th octave bands
6 1/3rd octave bands
7 Half octave bands
8 Full octave bands
9 (not valid) reserved
10 Graph added in v1.1.0

Defaults to 0.

outlineBars boolean

Available since v3.6.0

When true and mode is set to one of the octave bands modes, draws outlined bars with customizable fillAlpha and lineWidth.

For effect priority when combined with other settings, see isOutlineBars.

Defaults to false.

overlay boolean

Available since v2.2.0

Allows the analyzer to be displayed over other content, by making the canvas background transparent, when set to true.

When showBgColor is also true, bgAlpha controls the background opacity.

Defaults to false.

?> In order to keep elements other than the canvas visible in fullscreen, you'll need to set the fsElement property in the constructor options.

peakEnergy (DEPRECATED)

This property will be removed in version 4.0.0 - Use getEnergy('peak') instead.

pixelRatio number (Read only)

Current devicePixelRatio. This is usually 1 for standard displays and 2 for retina / Hi-DPI screens.

You can refer to this value to adjust any additional drawings done in the canvas (via callback function).

When loRes is true pixelRatio is halved, i.e. 0.5 for standard displays and 1 for retina / Hi-DPI.

radial boolean

Available since v2.4.0

When true, the spectrum analyzer is rendered as a circle, with radial frequency bars spreading from the center of the canvas.

When radial mode is active, ledBars and lumiBars have no effect, and also showPeaks has no effect in radial Graph mode.

See also spinSpeed.

Defaults to false.

!> See related known issue

reflexAlpha number

Available since v2.1.0

Reflection opacity (when reflexRatio > 0).

It must be a number between 0 (completely transparent) and 1 (completely opaque).

Defaults to 0.15.

reflexBright number

Available since v2.3.0

Reflection brightness (when reflexRatio > 0).

It must be a number. Values below 1 darken the reflection and above 1 make it brighter. A value of 0 will render the reflected image completely black, while a value of 1 will preserve the original brightness.

Defaults to 1.

!> See related known issue

reflexFit boolean

Available since v2.1.0

When true, the reflection will be adjusted (stretched or shrinked) to fit the canvas. If set to false the reflected image may be cut at the bottom (when reflexRatio < 0.5) or not fill the entire canvas (when reflexRatio > 0.5).

Defaults to true.

reflexRatio number

Available since v2.1.0

Percentage of canvas height used for reflection. It must be a number greater than or equal to 0, and less than 1. Trying to set a value out of this range will throw an ERR_REFLEX_OUT_OF_RANGE error.

For a perfect mirrored effect, set reflexRatio to 0.5 and both reflexAlpha and reflexBright to 1.

This has no effect when lumiBars is true.

Defaults to 0 (no reflection).

showBgColor boolean

Determines whether the canvas background should be painted.

If true, the background color defined by the current gradient will be used. Opacity can be adjusted via bgAlpha property, when overlay is true.

If false, the canvas background will be painted black when overlay is false, or transparent when overlay is true.

Defaults to true.

?> Please note that when overlay is false and ledBars is true, the background color will always be black, and setting showBgColor to true will make the "unlit" LEDs visible instead.

showFPS boolean

true to display the current frame rate. Defaults to false.


This property will be removed in version 4.0.0 - Use ledBars instead.

showPeaks boolean

true to show amplitude peaks for each frequency. Defaults to true.

showScaleX boolean

Available since v3.0.0

true to display the frequency (Hz) scale on the X axis. Defaults to true.

NOTE: this property was named showScale in versions prior to v3.0.0

showScaleY boolean

Available since v2.4.0

true to display the level (dB) scale on the Y axis. Defaults to false.

This option has no effect when radial or lumiBars are set to true.

smoothing number

Sets the analyzer's smoothingTimeConstant.

It must be a number between 0 and 1. Lower values make the analyzer respond faster to changes.

Defaults to 0.5.

spinSpeed number

Available since v2.4.0

When radial is true, this property defines the analyzer rotation speed, in revolutions per minute.

Positive values will make the analyzer rotate clockwise, while negative values will make it rotate counterclockwise. A value of 0 results in no rotation.

Defaults to 0.

splitGradient boolean

Available since v3.0.0

When true, the gradient will be split between both channels, so each channel will have different colors. If false, both channels will use the full gradient.

splitGradient: true splitGradient: false
split-on split-off

This option has no effect in horizontal gradients, or when stereo is set to false.

Defaults to false.

stereo boolean

Available since v3.0.0

When true, the spectrum analyzer will display separate graphs for the left and right audio channels.


  • Stereo tracks will always output stereo audio, even if stereo is set to false (in such case the analyzer graph will represent both channels combined);
  • Mono (single channel) tracks will output audio only on the left channel when stereo is true, unless you have another stereo source simultaneously connected to the analyzer, which will force the mono source to be upmixed to stereo.

See also splitGradient.

Defaults to false.

useCanvas boolean

Available since v3.5.0

When set to false, analyzer graphics are not rendered to the canvas. Setting it to false in the constructor options also prevents the canvas from being added to the document/container.

Please note that the analyzer processing runs regardless of the value of useCanvas and any callback defined for onCanvasDraw will still be triggered on every animation frame, so you can use the getBars() method to create your own visualizations.

If you want to completely stop the audio data processing, see toggleAnalyzer().

Defaults to true.

volume number

Available since v3.0.0

Read or set the output volume.

A value of 0 (zero) will mute the sound output, while a value of 1 will keep the same input volume. Higher values can be used to amplify the input, but it may cause distortion.

Please note that changing the audio element volume directly will affect the amplitude of analyzer graphs, while this property does not.

Defaults to 1.

Static properties

AudioMotionAnalyzer.version string (Read only)

Available since v3.0.0

Returns the version of the audioMotion-analyzer package.

Since this is a static property, you should always access it as AudioMotionAnalyzer.version - this allows you to check the package version even before instantiating your object.

Callback functions

onCanvasDraw function

If defined, this function will be called after rendering each frame.

The audioMotion object will be passed as an argument to the callback function.

Canvas properties fillStyle and strokeStyle will be set to the current gradient when the function is called.

Usage example:

const audioMotion = new AudioMotionAnalyzer(
        source: document.getElementById('audio'),
        onCanvasDraw: drawCallback

function drawCallback( instance ) {
	const ctx      = instance.canvasCtx,
    	  baseSize = ( instance.isFullscreen ? 40 : 20 ) * instance.pixelRatio;

    // use the 'energy' value to increase the font size and make the logo pulse to the beat
    ctx.font = `${ baseSize + instance.getEnergy() * 25 * instance.pixelRatio }px Orbitron, sans-serif`;

    ctx.fillStyle = '#fff8';
    ctx.textAlign = 'center';
    ctx.fillText( 'audioMotion', instance.canvas.width - baseSize * 8, baseSize * 2 );

For more examples, see the fluid demo source code or this pen.

onCanvasResize function

If defined, this function will be called whenever the canvas is resized.

Two arguments are passed: a string with the reason why the function was called (see below) and the audioMotion object.

Reason Description
'create' canvas created by the audioMotion-analyzer constructor
'fschange' analyzer entered or left fullscreen mode
'lores' low resolution option toggled on or off
'resize' browser window or canvas container element were resized
'user' canvas dimensions changed by user script, via height and width properties, setCanvasSize() or setOptions() methods

?> As of version 2.5.0, the 'resize' reason is no longer sent on fullscreen changes and the callback is triggered only when canvas dimensions effectively change from the previous state.

Usage example:

const audioMotion = new AudioMotionAnalyzer(
        source: document.getElementById('audio'),
        onCanvasResize: ( reason, instance ) => {
            console.log( `[${reason}] canvas size is: ${instance.canvas.width} x ${instance.canvas.height}` );


connectInput( source )

Available since v3.0.0

Connects an HTMLMediaElement or an AudioNode (or any of its descendants) to the analyzer.

If source is an HTMLMediaElement, the method returns a MediaElementAudioSourceNode created for that element; if source is an AudioNode instance, it returns the source object itself; if it's neither an ERR_INVALID_AUDIO_SOURCE error is thrown.

See also disconnectInput() and connectedSources.

connectOutput( [node] )

Available since v3.0.0

This method allows connecting the analyzer output to other audio processing modules that use the Web Audio API.

node must be an AudioNode instance.

By default, the analyzer is connected to the speakers upon instantiation, unless you set connectSpeakers: false in the constructor options.

See also disconnectOutput() and connectedTo.

?> If called with no argument, analyzer output is connected to the speakers (the AudioContext destination node).

disconnectInput( [node] )

Available since v3.0.0

Disconnects audio source nodes previously connected to the analyzer.

node may be an AudioNode instance or an array of such objects.

Please note that if you have connected an <audio> or <video> element, you should disconnect the respective MediaElementAudioSourceNode created for it.

See also connectInput().

?> If called with no argument, all connected sources are disconnected.

disconnectOutput( [node] )

Available since v3.0.0

Disconnects the analyzer output from previously connected audio nodes.

node must be a connected AudioNode.

See also connectOutput().

?> If called with no argument, analyzer output is disconnected from all nodes, including the speakers!


Available since v3.5.0

Returns an array with current data for each analyzer bar. Each array element is an object with the format below:

	posX: <number>,   // horizontal position of this bar on the canvas
	freqLo: <number>, // starting frequency for this bar
	freqHi: <number>, // ending frequency for this bar
	peak: <array>,    // peak values for left and right channels
	hold: <array>,    // peak hold frames for left and right channels - values < 0 mean the peak is falling down
	value: <array>    // current amplitude on left and right channels

peak and value elements are floats between 0 and 1, relative to the lowest and highest volume levels defined by minDecibels and maxDecibels.

hold values are integers and indicate the hold time (in frames) for the current peak. The maximum value is 30 and means the peak has just been set, while negative values mean the peak is currently falling down.

Please note that hold and value will have only one element when stereo is false, but peak is always a two-element array.

You can use this method to create your own visualizations using the analyzer data. See this pen for usage example.

getEnergy( [preset | startFreq], [endFreq] )

Available since v3.2.0

Returns a number between 0 and 1, representing the amplitude of a specific frequency, or the average energy of a frequency range.

If called with no parameters, it returns the overall spectrum energy obtained by the average of amplitudes of the currently displayed frequency bands.

Preset strings are available for predefined ranges plus the "peak" functionality (see table below), or you can specify the desired frequency and an optional ending frequency for a range. Frequency values must be specified in Hz.

preset description
'peak' peak overall energy value of the last 30 frames (approximately 0.5s)
'bass' average energy between 20 and 250 Hz
'lowMid' average energy between 250 and 500 Hz
'mid' average energy between 500 and 2000 Hz
'highMid' average energy between 2000 and 4000 Hz
'treble' average energy between 4000 and 16000 Hz

Please note that preset names are case-sensitive. If the specified preset is not recognized the method will return null.

Use this method inside your callback function to create additional visual effects. See the fluid demo or this pen for examples.

registerGradient( name, options )

Registers a custom color gradient.

name must be a non-empty string that will be used when setting the gradient property. options must be an object as shown below:

const options = {
    bgColor: '#011a35', // background color (optional) - defaults to '#111'
    dir: 'h',           // add this property to create a horizontal gradient (optional)
    colorStops: [       // list your gradient colors in this array (at least 2 entries are required)
        'red',                      // colors may be defined in any valid CSS format
        { pos: .6, color: '#ff0' }, // use an object to adjust the position (0 to 1) of a color
        'hsl( 120, 100%, 50% )'     // colors may be defined in any valid CSS format

audioMotion.registerGradient( 'my-grad', options );

Additional information about gradient color-stops.

setCanvasSize( width, height )

Sets the analyzer nominal dimensions in pixels. See height and width properties for details.

setFreqRange( minFreq, maxFreq )

Sets the desired frequency range. Values are expressed in Hz (Hertz).

setLedParams( [params] )

Available since v3.2.0

Customize parameters used to create the LEDs display effect.

params should be an object with the following structure:

const params = {
    maxLeds: 128, // integer, > 0
    spaceV: 1,    // > 0
    spaceH: .5    // >= 0
property description
maxLeds maximum desired number of LED elements per analyzer bar
spaceV vertical spacing ratio, relative to the LED height (1 means spacing is the same as the LED height)
spaceH minimum horizontal spacing ratio, relative to the available width (0.5 means half of the width is used for spacing and half for the LED); behaves exactly like barSpace (values >= 1 are considered as literal pixel values) and will override it if larger

The available canvas height is initially divided by maxLeds and vertical spacing is calculated observing the spaceV ratio; if necessary, the led count is decreased until both the led segment and the vertical spacing are at least 2px tall.

You can try different values in the fluid demo.

If called with no arguments or any invalid property, disables previously set parameters.

setOptions( [options] )

Shorthand method for setting several analyzer properties at once.

See Options object for object structure and default values.

?> If called with no argument (or options is undefined), resets all configuration options to their default values.

setSensitivity( minDecibels, maxDecibels )

Adjust the analyzer's sensitivity. See minDecibels and maxDecibels properties.

toggleAnalyzer( [boolean] )

Starts (true) or stops (false) the analyzer process. If no argument provided, inverts the current status.

Returns the resulting status.

The analyzer is started by default after initialization, unless you specify start: false in the constructor options. When the analyzer is off, no audio data is processed and no callbacks to onCanvasDraw will be triggered.

See also isOn property.


Toggles fullscreen mode on / off.

By default, only the canvas is sent to fullscreen. You can set the fsElement constructor option to a parent container, to keep desired interface elements visible during fullscreen.

?> Fullscreen requests must be triggered by user action, like a key press or mouse click, so you must call this method from within a user-generated event handler.

Custom Errors

Available since v2.0.0

audioMotion-analyzer uses a custom error object to throw errors for some critical operations.

The code property is a string label that can be checked to identify the specific error in a reliable way.

code Error description
ERR_AUDIO_CONTEXT_FAIL Could not create audio context. The user agent may lack support for the Web Audio API.
ERR_INVALID_AUDIO_CONTEXT Audio context provided by user is not valid.
ERR_INVALID_AUDIO_SOURCE Audio source provided in source option or connectInput() method is not an instance of HTMLMediaElement or AudioNode.
ERR_INVALID_MODE User tried to set the visualization mode to an invalid value.
ERR_FREQUENCY_TOO_LOW User tried to set the minFreq or maxFreq properties to a value lower than 1.
ERR_GRADIENT_INVALID_NAME The name parameter for registerGradient() must be a non-empty string.
ERR_GRADIENT_NOT_AN_OBJECT The options parameter for registerGradient() must be an object.
ERR_GRADIENT_MISSING_COLOR The options parameter for registerGradient() must define at least two color-stops.
ERR_REFLEX_OUT_OF_RANGE Tried to assign a value < 0 or >= 1 to reflexRatio property.
ERR_UNKNOWN_GRADIENT User tried to select a gradient not previously registered.

Known Issues

reflexBright won't work on some browsers {docsify-ignore}

reflexBright feature relies on the filter property of the Canvas API, which is currently not supported in some browsers (notably, Opera and Safari).

alphaBars and fillAlpha won't work with Radial on Firefox {docsify-ignore}

On Firefox, alphaBars and fillAlpha won't work with radial visualization when using hardware acceleration, due to this bug.

Visualization of live streams won't work on Safari {docsify-ignore}

Safari's implementation of Web Audio won't return analyzer data for live streams, as documented in this bug report.

References and acknowledgments



Get in touch!

If you create something cool with audioMotion-analyzer, or simply think it's useful, I would love to know! Please drop me an e-mail at

For feature requests, suggestions or feedback, please see the file.

And if you're feeling generous, maybe:


audioMotion-analyzer copyright (c) 2018-2021 Henrique Avila Vianna
Licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 or later.


High-resolution real-time graphic audio spectrum analyzer JavaScript module with no dependencies.







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