Single page basic Online Store app; React and Redux with Golang Web Api.
- Gorilla Mux
- JWT Token Authentication
- Golang Gorm (mssql)
- redux-from
- material UI
- axios
- react-router
- bootpage
- bootbox
- Go 1.9.1
- node.js 8 >
- VS COde or Jetbrains GoLand or atom editor
Open SQL Server Management Studio > File > Open > File select Store.sql and execute
Change OnlineStoreWebApi>database>database.go>InitDB function connString variable change Data Source your server name
Open command prompt or terminal
go get ""
go get ""
go get ""
go get ""
go get ""
Open command prompt or teminal
cd OnlineStoreReact folder location
npm install
npm start
- http://localhost:3000/web
- http://localhost:3000/admin