- Ruby (or Java)
- Selenium
- Cucumber/Gherkin
- Text Editor or IDE (SublimeText, Atom, Notepad++, Eclipse, IntelliJ)
- Firefox
Install Firefox version 45.0: Firefox 45 Installations
Note: Later versions of Firefox may not support Selenium.
$> brew install ruby
$> gem install bundler
$> sudo gem install selenium-webdriver
$> gem install cucumber
$> gem install rspec
Follow the instructions listed here: Ruby Installer
CD into ATDD-tests directory then execute:
$> cucumber
You can configure what URL the tests run on via the command line with the following command:
cucumber URL="[url to test on]"
The tests default to the dev URL: http://ec2-54-174-7-191.compute-1.amazonaws.com:8080/CreditBureauDispute_/#/Login
You can run an individual test scenario from the command line:
cucumber features --name "[name of feature to run]"
At the beginning of each scenario, the tests create a new checklist. At the end of each scenario, the tests navigate to a separate WM app to delete the checklist. The URL to this separate checklist deletion map can be configured similarly:
cucumber DELETE_URL="[]"
The tests default to: http://dev-cbd.agiletrailblazers.com/CBD_AutomatedTestUtl/#/Main