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Strava CLI - Browse Strava stats from the command line

Tech Stack & Dependencies

Python3 SQLAlchemy Alembic SQLite Pandas Requests

I created Strava CLI at the end of Phase 3 while attending the Flatiron School bootcamp. One of the constraints my instructor imposed was that we build a Python application with a command line interface. As an avid Strava user myself, my idea was to comprise a database of personal, live data that can be synced regularly. It is the culmination of a 3 week journey of learning Python. My focus was on leveraging the power of Object Oriented Programming to control & transform data, utilizing an Object Relational Mapping methodology and making use of SQL to communicate with a database. Here is a diagram of the relationships established between the tables for this project:

STRAVA CLI Table relations

The application utilizes the publicly available Strava API for fetching profile and activities data into the application with the help of Requests module. The data is then stored locally in a SQLite database. SQL queries and commands are handled through the powerful module SQLAlchemy. Version control on DB was implemented through Alembic. With the help of Pandas module, I then used the data to aggregate some additional stats that are not part of the original Strava app.

Future goals include:

❖ Building a React Frontend

❖ Creating a sign up/login workflow that obtains an API token

❖ Upgrading the database to PostgreSQL

❖ Deployment

User Stories

Upon starting the app, the user is asked to select a username from a list. Then, they are presented with 6 main options:

Screenshot 2023-03-31 at 11 24 00 AM

These will be henceforth referred to as top-level options.

1) Profile Details

Upon selecting the first top-level option, the user is presented with information about the selected profile, like so:

Screenshot 2023-03-31 at 9 58 47 AM

❖ An option to edit profile details is offered, which allows change to weight, bio and location. Changes are reflected in database.

2) Aggregated Stats

Upon selecting the second top-level option, the user is presented with information about aggregated stats sorted and displayed by the type of activity, like so:

Screenshot 2023-03-31 at 11 28 37 AM

❖ This is a feature that is not offered by the Strava API.

3) List of Achievements

Upon selecting the third top-level option, the user is presented with a choice between:

❖ Viewing All Achievements - this is a list of all achievements that have been created in the database with various parameters. Upon selecting this option, the list with each earnable Achievement's name appears.

❖ Viewing Achievements Earned specific to the profile:

Screenshot 2023-03-31 at 11 59 04 AM

❖ This option is referencing a table that is a join of 3 others: Profile, Activities & Achievements.

❖ To "earn" an achievement a user needs to upload/complete an activity that satisfies certain criteria as described in the Achievement.

4) List of Activities

Upon selecting the fourth top-level option, the user is presented with a choice between:

❖ Viewing All Activities - this is a list of all activities uploaded by the user and stored in the database.

❖ Viewing Activities by Type - this is a list of activities filtered by Activity Type. Another option is presented for selection of Activity Type.

❖ Viewing Last 10 Activities - this is a list of the last 10 uploaded activities.

Screenshot 2023-03-31 at 11 57 22 AM

5) Fetch New Data From Strava

Upon selecting the fifth top-level option, a function is fired that fetches new data, recalculates and repopulates the tables so that they are up-to-date with the data from Strava. User is then prompted to restart the app to load the updated data. A Last Updated indicator is presented on the same line for user's consideration.

6) Logout

Bye Felicia!

How To Run The App

You're welcome to explore the app through Github or fork/clone it to test yourself. Below are the steps for running the app on your local machine:

❖ Before you start, make sure you obtain your own Strava API Key

❖ Clone/fork the repo.

❖ After you've done so, make sure you are running Python 3.11

❖ Navigate to the Root folder where the Pipfile file is located.

❖ Run pipenv install then enter the shell with pipenv shell

❖ Type python to start the application.

Please reach out if you have suggestions, run into hurdles or have questions regarding the setup.