Tiny PKI based on Acme/client.
Licensed under AGPLv3+.
Usage: letsencrypt register <email>
Usage: letsencrypt key <domain> [options]
-r, --rsa [KEYSIZE] RSA key, key size
-e, --ecc [CURVE] ECC key, curve
Generate a key (default is an EC secp384r1 key) in example.bar.foo.pem
letsencrypt key foo.bar.example
Default key is an EC secp384r1.
Usage: letsencrypt csr <domain> [options]
-k, --key [KEYFILE] Key file
-d, --domains [DOMAINS] Domains
Generate a certificate request in example.bar.foo.csr
letsencrypt csr foo.bar.example
If you have multiple domains
letsencrypt csr foo.example -d bar.example -d baz.example
Usage: letsencrypt crt <domain> [options]
-c, --csr [CSR] CSR file
Request the corresponding certificate in example.bar.foo.crt
letsencrypt crt foo.bar.example
You can call directly the certificate issuance, CSR and key will be created when needed.
Usage: letsencrypt renew <domain> [options]
-c, --csr [CSR] CSR file
Renew the example.bar.foo.crt
if needed (default is 30d before expiration).
letsencrypt renew foo.bar.example
If certificate was renewed, return code is 0 else 1, for post-action on crontab for example
cd /etc/ssl/private
if letsencrypt renew foo.bar.example; then
service apache2 reload
letsencrypt info <domain> [options]
-k, --key Key information
-c, --crt Certificate information
Display various information (fingerprints, HPKP, TLSA…) for key or certificate.
letsencrypt info foo.bar.example
letsencrypt info -c foo.bar.example
You can define which ACME endpoint is used with ACME_ENDPOINT
environment variable.
Default is Let’s encrypt production endpoint (https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/
You can use Let’s encrypt staging endpoint (https://acme-staging.api.letsencrypt.org/
) for testing.
Default account key is account.key
in the current directory. You can specify another key file with ACME_ACCOUNT_KEY
environment variable.
Default ACME challenge directory is acme-challenge
in the current directory.
You can change it with ACME_CHALLENGE
environment variable.