I am Adwaith, currently working as a software engineer at Cisco Systems, Bangalore. I am part of Cisco's MIG(Mass-Scale Infrastructure Group) security team. It deals with a router's security(starting from device security, trust and integrity to network security protocols like 802.1x, MACsec, IPsec). I graduated with a BTech in Computer Science and Engineering from National Institute of Technology Karnataka, batch of 2020.
Broadly, I am interested in Computer Security, and specifically fascinated about software security(reverse engineering, binary analysis, exploit development and such), network security(security protocols - MACsec, 802.1x, IPsec etc.,) and device security(firmware, TPM, Root-of-Trust) and in general security posturing of systems.
I blog here. I write summaries and simple implementations of research papers and articles I find interesting. I document the experiments I do here.