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[Z Design Doc] Cache API

Richard Hightower edited this page Oct 21, 2015 · 4 revisions

KVStore API.

New KVStore API

There is a new kvstore/cache API.

It consists of two interface.

  • KeyValueStoreService Object interface to store objects into a cache using some sort of encoding.
  • LowLevelKeyValueStoreService Low level kv store to store strings or byte arrays

LowLevelKeyValueStoreService works with byte arrays and Strings.

The LowLevelKeyValueStoreService is for low-level cache access.


package io.advantageous.qbit.kvstore;

import io.advantageous.qbit.reactive.Callback;
import io.advantageous.qbit.time.Duration;

import java.util.Optional;

/** Low level key value store with expiration timeout. */
public interface LowLevelKeyValueStoreService {

     * Store a string value in the kv store.
     * @param key key
     * @param value value
    void putString(final String key, final String value);

     * Store a string value and get a confirmation that it was stored.
     * @param confirmation confirmation
     * @param key key
     * @param value value
    void putStringWithConfirmation(final Callback<Boolean> confirmation,
                                   final String key,
                                   final String value);

     * Store a key value with an expiry.
     * @param confirmation confirmation
     * @param key key
     * @param value value
     * @param expiry expiry
    void putStringWithConfirmationAndTimeout(
            final Callback<Boolean> confirmation,
            final String key,
            final String value,
            final Duration expiry);

     * Store a key value with a timeout expiry.
     * @param key key
     * @param value value
     * @param expiry expiry
    void putStringWithTimeout(
            final String key,
            final String value,
            final Duration expiry);

     * Get a String key value.
     * @param confirmation confirmation
     * @param key key
    void getString( final Callback<Optional<String>> confirmation,
                    final String key);

     * Store a byte array value in the kv store.
     * @param key key
     * @param value value
    void putBytes(  final String key,
                    final byte[] value);

     * Store a byte array value in the kv store with a confirmation callback.
     * @param confirmation confirmation
     * @param key key
     * @param value value
    void putBytesWithConfirmation(  final Callback<Boolean> confirmation,
                                    final String key,
                                    final byte[] value);

     * Store a byte array value in the kv store with a
     * confirmation callback and expiry.
     * @param confirmation confirmation
     * @param key key
     * @param value value
     * @param expiry expiry
    void putBytesWithConfirmationAndTimeout(    final Callback<Boolean> confirmation,
                                                final String key,
                                                final byte[] value,
                                                final Duration expiry);

     * Store a byte array with an expiry.
     * @param key key
     * @param value value
     * @param expiry expiry
    void putBytesWithTimeout(   final String key,
                                final byte[] value,
                                final Duration expiry);

     * Get a byte array value given the key.
     * @param callback callback
     * @param key key
    void getBytes(  final Callback<Optional<byte[]>> callback,
                    final String key);

     * Check to see if the store has the key
     * @param hasKeyCallback hasKeyCallback
     * @param key key
    void hasKey(    final Callback<Boolean> hasKeyCallback,
                    final String key);

     * Delete the key.
     * @param key key
    void delete(final String key);

     * Delete the key with confirmation.
     * @param key key
    void deleteWithConfirmation(    final Callback<Boolean> confirmation,
                                    final String key);

    void process();


The low level KV store defines a contract to save things as byte[] or String. The String can be used to save objects as JSON objects. The byte[] can be used to save serialized objects.

The KeyValueStoreService<T> is used to store objects.


package io.advantageous.qbit.kvstore;

import io.advantageous.qbit.reactive.Callback;
import io.advantageous.qbit.time.Duration;

import java.util.Optional;

 * @param <T> T
public interface KeyValueStoreService<T> {

     * Store a value in the kv store.
     * @param key key
     * @param value value
    void put(final String key, final T value);

     * Store a value and get a confirmation that it was stored.
     * @param confirmation confirmation
     * @param key key
     * @param value value
    void putWithConfirmation(final Callback<Boolean> confirmation,
                                   final String key,
                                   final T value);

     * Store a key value with an expiry ad confirmation.
     * @param confirmation confirmation
     * @param key key
     * @param value value
     * @param expiry expiry
    void putWithConfirmationAndTimeout(
            final Callback<Boolean> confirmation,
            final String key,
            final T value,
            final Duration expiry);

     * Store a key value with a timeout expiry.
     * @param key key
     * @param value value
     * @param expiry expiry
    void putWithTimeout(
            final String key,
            final T value,
            final Duration expiry);

     * Get a String key value.
     * @param confirmation confirmation
     * @param key key
    void get( final Callback<Optional<T>> confirmation,
                    final String key);

     * Check to see if the store has the key
     * @param hasKeyCallback hasKeyCallback
     * @param key key
    void hasKey(    final Callback<Boolean> hasKeyCallback,
                    final java.lang.String key);

     * Delete the key.
     * @param key key
    void delete(final String key);

     * Delete the key with confirmation.
     * @param key key
    void deleteWithConfirmation(    final Callback<Boolean> confirmation,
                                    final java.lang.String key);

    void process();

Notice that the KeyValueStoreService and LowLevelKeyValueStoreService allow you to store and retrieve key/values. You can store keys/values that have an expiry.

Utility classes

  • StringDecoderEncoderKeyValueStore (implements KeyValueStoreService<T>) allows you to specify an encoder and decoder to convert objects to/fro Strings
  • WriteBehindReadFallbackKeyValueStore (implements LowLevelKeyValueStoreService) allows you to specify two kvstores that will be both written to and read from in order.
  • JsonKeyValueStoreServiceBuilder produces StringDecoderEncoderKeyValueStore that can serialize/parse object to/for Java/JSON.
  • LowLevelLocalKeyValueStoreService (implements LowLevelKeyValueStoreService) is a near cache (in memory) for byte arrays and strings.
  • RedisKeyValueStore (implements LowLevelKeyValueStoreService) is a cache that store key/value pairs in Redis.
  • RedisKeyValueStoreBuilder produces RedisKeyValueStore instances.

You don't typically use the StringDecoderEncoderKeyValueStore directly but you could. Instead you use it in conjunction with the JsonKeyValueStoreServiceBuilder which constructs StringDecoderEncoderKeyValueStore that do JSON encoding and decoding.

Example using JsonKeyValueStoreServiceBuilder

    private JsonKeyValueStoreServiceBuilder jsonKeyValueStoreServiceBuilder;
    private LowLevelLocalKeyValueStoreService localKeyValueStoreService = ...;
    private KeyValueStoreService<Todo> keyValueStoreService;


    keyValueStoreService = jsonKeyValueStoreServiceBuilder.buildKeyValueStore(Todo.class);
    keyValueStoreService.put("key", new Todo("value"));

Essentially JsonKeyValueStoreServiceBuilder can turn a LowLevelLocalKeyValueStoreService into a KeyValueStoreService<Todo> (object store).

WriteBehindReadFallbackKeyValueStore is used when you want to implement a write behind cache. If the local cache (or primary cache) gets a miss, then it will read from the remote cache (or secondary cache).

It is easy to decorate core low level back and back them by WriteBehindReadFallbackKeyValueStore, and decorate encoding/decoding with JsonKeyValueStoreServiceBuilder as follows:

Example using WriteBehindReadFallbackKeyValueStore and JsonKeyValueStoreServiceBuilder to decorate and wrap calls to RedisKeyValueStore and LowLevelLocalKeyValueStoreService

    private RedisKeyValueStore keyValueStore;

    private RedisKeyValueStoreBuilder builder;

        final KeyValueStoreService<Todo> todoKVStoreInternal = JsonKeyValueStoreServiceBuilder

        final KeyValueStoreService<Todo> todoKVStore = ServiceBuilder.serviceBuilder()
                .createProxyWithAutoFlush(KeyValueStoreService.class, Duration.FIFTY_MILLIS);

                      new Todo(value));

        todoKVStore.get(, "testPutWithConfirmationWrapped");




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