Read and medium based articles using google web cache.
Official repository for "Craw4LLM: Efficient Web Crawling for LLM Pretraining"
免费开源A股量化交易数据库; 专注A股,专注量化,向阳而生; 开放、纯净、持续、为Ai(爱)发电。为个人量化交易而生,保卫3000点,珍惜底部机会......【股票数据,股票行情数据,股票量化数据,股票交易数据,k线行情数据,股票概念数据,股票数据接口,行情数据接口,量化交易数据】【多数据源融合,动态设置代理,保障数据高可用性】
Kubernetes IN Docker - local clusters for testing Kubernetes
【超全golang面试题合集+golang学习指南+golang知识图谱+入门成长路线】 一份涵盖大部分golang程序员所需要掌握的核心知识。常用第三方库(mysql,mq,es,redis等)+机器学习库+算法库+游戏库+开源框架+自然语言处理nlp库+网络库+视频库+微服务框架+视频教程+音频音乐库+图形图片库+物联网库+地理位置信息+嵌入式脚本库+编译器库+数据库+金融库+电子邮件库…
A Distributed, Fault-Tolerant Cron-Style Job System.
A deep-dive on the entire history of deep-learning
A generative speech model for daily dialogue.
Official github repo for C-Eval, a Chinese evaluation suite for foundation models [NeurIPS 2023]
A resource to help you become good at work 👇
Official PyTorch Implementation of "Scalable Diffusion Models with Transformers"
开源微信爬虫:爬取公众号所有 文章、阅读量、点赞量和评论内容。易部署。持续维护!!!
This software (CMVS) takes the output of a structure-from-motion (SfM) software as input, then decomposes the input images into a set of image clusters of managable size. An MVS software can be use…
open Multiple View Geometry library. Basis for 3D computer vision and Structure from Motion.
Package gorilla/feeds is a golang rss/atom generator library
Simple, reliable, and efficient distributed task queue in Go