English | 中文
- Install the current upstream Arduino IDE at the 1.8 level or later. The current version is at the Arduino website. (NOTE: MacOS may require that you install separate drivers to interact with your board. You will get error messages that occur when the IDE attempts to upload code. You should consider running the Arduino IDE in a Virtual Machine on Linux. Installing other drivers on your Mac is out of scope for this document.)
- Start Arduino and open Preferences window. In additional board manager add url:
If you have multiple URLs (e.g., for other boards), just add previously mentioned URL, separated by a comma. - Copy all folders in the
directory to your Arduino Libraries Directory,
- in MacOS, it is
- in Linux, it is
- in Windows, it is
- Open the corresponding example
- In the Arduino Application, navigate to the Board Manager menu ("Tools => Board => Board Manager"), search for
, and make sure that you install the latest version. After you do this, you can select the board you have from the list of boards in the "ESP32 Arduino" menu ("Tools=> Board => ESP32 Arduino"). It's very important to note that the list of boards is NOT in alphabetical order. Look for the board you are working with carefully in the list. T-Beam
users can chooseTTGO T-Beam
users can chooseESP32 Dev Module
users chooseNucleo_l073RZ
andT-BeamS3 Supreme
users can selectedESP32S3 Dev Module
- Select the port of the board in the port
- Please uncomment the
file above each sketch based on your board model, otherwise compilation will report an error - Upload
- When using the SX1280 PA T3S3 V1.1 (V1.2 does not have this issue), it is recommended that the software control 1280 chip output 2 to 5 dbm, so that the entire module will output 20 dbm of power; When the output of 1280 chip is higher than 2 dbm, the output power of the entire module is only 20 dbm; When the output of 1280 chip is higher than 5 dbm, the output power of the entire module is only 20 dbm, but if 5 dbm is given to the FEM, it will damage the FEM chip (the maximum allowable input for the FEM is 5 dbm) If the output of the 1280 chip is lower than 2 dbm, the output power of the entire module is within 20 dbm. The output power setting of the SX1280 cannot be greater than 2-5dbm, otherwise damage to the FEM chip may occur. Set 3dBM to have an output power of 20dmb
Product | Product Link | Schematic | Corresponding example macro definition |
T-Beam SX1278/76 | AliExpress | TBeamV0.7 / TBeamV1.0 / TBeamV1.1 | LILYGO_TBeam_V0_7 / LILYGO_TBeam_V1_X |
T-Beam SX1262 | AliExpress | TBeamV0.7 / TBeamV1.0 / TBeamV1.1 | LILYGO_TBeam_V0_7 / LILYGO_TBeam_V1_X |
LoRa32 V1.0 SX1276 | AliExpress | ❌ | LILYGO_T3_V1_0 |
LoRa32 V1.0 SX1278 | AliExpress | ❌ | LILYGO_T3_V1_0 |
LoRa32 V1.3 SX1276 | AliExpress | LoRa32 V1.3 | LILYGO_T3_V1_3 |
LoRa32 V2.0 | AliExpress | LoRa32 V2.0 | LILYGO_T3_V2_0 |
LoRa32 V2.1 & 1.6 | AliExpress/Amazon | LoRa32 V2.1_1.6 | LILYGO_T3_V1_6 |
T-Motion S76G | AliExpress | T-Motion | LILYGO_T_MOTION_S76G |
LoRa32 V1.8 2.4G | lilygo.cc | LoRa32 V1.8 2.4G | LILYGO_T3_V1_8 |
LoRa T3 S3 V1.0 | lilygo.cc | LoRa T3 S3 V1.0 | LILYGO_T3_S3_V1_0 |
LoRa T3 S3 V1.1 | lilygo.cc | LoRa T3 S3 V1.1 | LILYGO_T3_S3_V1_0 (Same as 1.0) |
T-Beam S3 Supreme/T-BeamS3 Core | lilygo.cc | T-Beam S3 Supreme & T-Beam S3 Core | LILYGO_TBeamS3_SUPREME_V3_0 |
├─ArduinoLoRa # Only support SX1276/SX1278 radio module
│ ├─LoRaReceiver
│ └─LoRaSender
├── Display # Only supports TBeam TFT Shield
│ ├── Free_Font_Demo
│ ├── TBeam_TFT_Shield
│ ├── TFT_Char_times
│ └── UTFT_demo
├─GPS # T-Beam GPS demo examples
│ ├─TinyGPS_Example
│ ├─TinyGPS_FullExample
│ ├─TinyGPS_KitchenSink
│ ├─UBlox_BasicNMEARead # Only support Ublox GNSS Module
│ ├─UBlox_Recovery # Only support Ublox GNSS Module
│ ├─UBlox_OutputRate # Only support Ublox GNSS Module
│ └─UBlox_NMEAParsing # Only support Ublox GNSS Module
├─OLED # OLED demo examples
│ ├─SH1106FontUsage
│ ├─SH1106GraphicsTest
│ ├─SH1106IconMenu
│ ├─SH1106PrintUTF8
│ ├─SSD1306SimpleDemo
│ └─SSD1306UiDemo
├─RadioLibExamples # RadioLib examples,Support SX1276/78/62/80
│ ├─SX1262
│ │ ├─SX1262_Receive_Interrupt
│ │ └─SX1262_Transmit_Interrupt
│ ├─SX1268
│ │ ├─SX1268_Receive_Interrupt
│ │ └─SX1268_Transmit_Interrupt
│ ├─SX1276
│ │ ├─SX1276_Receive_Interrupt
│ │ └─SX1276_Transmit_Interrupt
│ ├─SX1278
│ │ ├─SX1278_Receive
│ │ ├─SX1278_Receive_Interrupt
│ │ ├─SX1278_Transmit
│ │ └─SX1278_Transmit_Interrupt
│ ├─SX1280
│ │ ├─Ranging
│ │ │ ├─Ranging_Master
│ │ │ └─Ranging_Slave
│ │ ├─SX128x_Receive_Interrupt
│ │ └─SX128x_Transmit_Interrupt
│ └─TBeamAllFunction # T-Beam all function example,Only tbeamv1.x is supported temporarily
├── Sensor # Sensor examples , just support t-beams3-supreme
│ ├── BME280_AdvancedsettingsExample
│ ├── BME280_TestExample
│ ├── BME280_UnifiedExample
│ ├── PCF8563_AlarmByUnits
│ ├── PCF8563_SimpleTime
│ ├── PCF8563_TimeLib
│ ├── PCF8563_TimeSynchronization
│ ├── QMC6310_CalibrateExample
│ ├── QMC6310_CompassExample
│ ├── QMC6310_GetDataExample
│ ├── QMC6310_GetPolarExample
│ ├── QMI8658_BlockExample
│ ├── QMI8658_GetDataExample
│ ├── QMI8658_InterruptBlockExample
│ ├── QMI8658_InterruptExample
│ ├── QMI8658_LockingMechanismExample
│ ├── QMI8658_MadgwickAHRS
│ ├── QMI8658_PedometerExample
│ ├── QMI8658_ReadFromFifoExample
│ └── QMI8658_WakeOnMotion
└─LoRaWAN # OTAA method Join TTN example
How to distinguish the model of Radio just need to look at the sticker on the board, 433MHz is SX1278, 868MHz is SX1276, If the label says SX1262 then it is SX1262
- If there is no data output from GPS, see Restoring factory defaults
- GNSS troubleshooting from SoftRF
- See utilities.h
To quickly start using TTN (The Things Network), please refer to LilyGo_LoRa_Series_Quick_Start
- AXP192
- AXP2101
- SX1262
- SX1278
- SX1276
- SX1280
- PCF8563
- QMI8658
- QMC6310
- BME280
- After setting the LoRa output power, set the lowest current. Set sx1262 as follows :
// digitalWrite(LoRa_Busy, LOW);
// set output power to 10 dBm (accepted range is -17 - 22 dBm)
if (radio.setOutputPower(22) == RADIOLIB_ERR_INVALID_OUTPUT_POWER) {
Serial.println(F("Selected output power is invalid for this module!"));
while (true);
// set over current protection limit to 80 mA (accepted range is 45 - 240 mA)
// NOTE: set value to 0 to disable overcurrent protection
if (radio.setCurrentLimit(80) == RADIOLIB_ERR_INVALID_CURRENT_LIMIT) {
Serial.println(F("Selected current limit is invalid for this module!"));
while (true);
The GPS backup power comes from the 18650 battery. If you remove the 18650 battery, you will not be able to get the GPS hot start. If you need to use the GPS hot start, please connect the 18650 battery