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Impacted component(s)
Add-on development for Adobe Express
Expected behavior
As described at Using Action Menu in the documentation for the Coach Mark, you can define an action menu to interact with the coaching. Because the code in render() function only calls the renderActionMenu when both the secondaryCTA and primaryCTA are defined.
In my use case, I have steps were no actions (in the case where I want the user to interact with my add-on's UI) and in some there is only one CTA action. Can you please take the when gate off so that the renderActionMenu gets called whenever there is an action menu defined?
I would expect to be able to have an action menu which is not dependent on also having primaryCTA and secondaryCTA defined.
Actual behavior
the action menu only shows up when both the primaryCTA and secondaryCTA are defined.
In this case, I only have one CTA button and want to show my action menu to skip or restart the tour :
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What browsers are you seeing the problem in?
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How can we reproduce this issue?
- Go to '...'
- Click on '....'
- Scroll to '....'
- Check console
- See error
Sample code or abstract reproduction which illustrates the problem
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Logs taken while reproducing problem
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