🐛 Bug Report
When incrementing or decrementing a NumberField with the value formatted using currencySign: 'accounting'
, e.g. using parentheses to indicate a negative value, like "($57.00)", screen readers fail to distinguish between a negative value or a positive value when the value changes.
🤔 Expected Behavior
NumberField should announce a value like "($57.00)" as "−$57.00" or "negative $57.00."
😯 Current Behavior
NumberField fails to distinguish between positive and negative values using currencySign: 'accounting'
💁 Possible Solution
Similar to how we replace the hyphen-minus with a true minus symbol at:
Lines 127 to 131 in 9eb8796
Replace formatting using parentheses with a minus sign as well:
// Replace Unicode hyphen-minus (U+002D) with minus sign (U+2212).
// This ensures that macOS VoiceOver announces it as "minus" even with other characters between the minus sign
// and the number (e.g. currency symbol). Otherwise it announces nothing because it assumes the character is a hyphen.
// In addition, replace the empty string with the word "Empty" so that iOS VoiceOver does not read "50%" for an empty field.
textValue =
textValue === '' ?
stringFormatter.format('Empty') :
(textValue || `${value}`)
.replace('-', '\u2212')
// Replace negative value formatted using currencySign: 'accounting'
// with a value that can be announced using a minus sign.
.replace(/^\((.+)\)$/, '\u2212$1');
🔦 Context
NumberField Accessibility Audit FY23
💻 Code Sample
🌍 Your Environment
Software | Version(s) |
react-spectrum | @adobe/react-spectrum@3.25.0 |
Browser | Chrome Version 110.0.5481.177 (Official Build) (arm64) |
Operating System | macOS Ventura 13.2.1 (22D68) |
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