Releases: adobe/bridgeService
Releases · adobe/bridgeService
- New Feature #160 Introduce Extraction Plugins. We have now introduced a new plugin mechanism so you can define how an object you are expecting should be deserialized. Please refer to the chapter on "Deserialization Plugins" in the README doc.
- New Feature #162 Deserializing Date Objects. We now allow the deserialization of Date objects. You can decide the formatting of the value. For more information please refer to Formatting Dates in the README doc.
- #159 Errors when deserializing Milti-Part Mime Object: We have included a couple of resilience features to better handle the deserialization of complex Objects. This includes:
- Nested scraping. We allow a nested scraping of objects.
- Ignoring calls that throw errors. We now log the error and continue with the next call.
- Ignoring methods returning objects that we do not have the rights to execute/access.
- New Environment Variables
- IBS.DESERIALIZATION.DEPTH.LIMIT : This value sets the maximum depth of the deserialization. By default, we go to a depth of 1.
- IBS.DESERIALIZATION.DATE.FORMAT : The format in which the date should be deserialized. By default, it is "NONE" meaning no date transformation is performed.
- IBS.PLUGINS.PACKAGE : The package path in which the IBS should search for the plugins you write. By default, we look in this package : "IBS.PLUGINS.PACKAGE"
- #176 ClassCastException when the second call argument is an array. We discovered a bug regarding arrays. Whenever the second argument was an array, we would get a ClassCastException.
What's Changed
- New Feature #3 Include an Assertion Feature. We have now included the possibility for users to define assertions. This allows you to clarify accepted results for the call you make with the IBS.
- New Feature #79 Allow or passing secrets in headers. You can now pass variables and secrets as headers.
- New Feature #110 Allow for Fileuploading and Multi-part requests. We can now upload a file and reference it in the request.
- #111 Allowing the passing of array and vararg arguments. Previously we were unable to execute methods accepting Arrays and varargs. This has now been corrected.
- #88 Logging action steps. We now log the steps we take during execution for better debugging.
- #48 Logging action steps. We now log the current class and method being executed.
Full Changelog: parent-2.11.15...parent-2.11.16
This is a debugging release. It englobes a lot of the feedback we received regarding debugging the results.
This version includes:
- #71 Adding step name when throwing exceptions. When an exception happens, include the step in which it occurred.
- #72 Provide the stack trace of the root cause of the errors. With issue #9 we discovered that the stack trace should be that of the original cause.
- #78 Trimming error messages. We now trim the error messages.
- #80 Removing stack trace for certain errors. We removed the stack trace for errors, where the method or class cannot be found or accessed.
- #83 Adapting log files for production. We now limit the log files so not too much log data is stored. More details to be found in the Technical Doc.
- Moved the log level for the loading of the classes to 'trace' instead of 'debug'.
- We have now introduced a dedicated exception for when a public Method in a Java class with no scope definition. This created linkage errors.
parent-2.11.14 [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag parent-2.11.14
parent-2.11.13 [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag parent-2.11.13
parent-2.11.12 [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag parent-2.11.12
Introducing the automatic context mode for the bridge service, where you no-longer need to specify the packages.
Better management and presentation of errors.
Better presentation of the /test end point
parent-2.11.10 [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag parent-2.11.10
- #56 Java 11 Compatibility.Integro Bridge Service is now Java 11 compatible. From now on the standard builds are in Java 11. (Java 8 is also available, but is made on demand).
- #48 Dynamically load all called classes. Previously, we were loading a preset set of packages for managing the static variable contexts in calls. We now automatically include the classes that are being called. This solves the following issues:
- #41 Ensuring that the system value handler is included in the static paths : We were discovering that static variables are not automatically included in the static cpath context.
- #47 Issue with Server=null when calling PushNotifications with IBS : We discovered that when the environment variables are in one context, and that the following java call isn't, we would not have access to those variables.
- Renamed Configuration class
. This is to avoid confligt with projects using the same design pattern. - Added Continuous Integration Scripts.
integroBridgeService-2.0.4 moved back to Java 11