A dev might have logged into another Org, and used the logged-in access token (from the web browser) to do operations on their current Project. This is a mismatch, and results in an error when accessing certain operations.
$ aio console project list
» Error: [CoreConsoleAPISDK:ERROR_GET_PROJECTS_BY_ORG_ID] 403 - Forbidden
» ({"id":"f43a63e9-a891-4b53-9416-2a83c55aa08b","messages":[{"template":"ERR_MSG_OPERAT
» not allowed to access resources of org [REDACTED_ORG_ID]"}]})
The Org Code from running aio console org ls
does not match the Org Code when running aio config get
This value is in the .aio
file of the project.
An access token is tied to a specific Org.
- Go to, logout from the browser
- Run
aio logout --force
- Run
aio login
Then run your command again.
Diagnostic Fix
The fix is above, but for diagnostic purposes, there should be a command, or a flag to a command, that can show there is an Org Code mismatch, thus the dev needs to login again via the Resolution
step above. Perhaps it is a good candidate for aio info