This repo has the terraform modules which helps you bootstrap your octopus by creating resources like:
- Global Resources(Roles)
- Space
- Deployment Targets
- Accounts
- Environments
- Lifecycle
- External Feeds
Provision global resources for your OctopusDeploy.
$ cd global-resources
$ terraform init
$ terraform get -update=true
$ terraform plan -out tfplan
$ terraform apply
$ cd global-resources
$ terraform init
$ terraform get -update=true
$ terraform plan -destroy -out destroy_tfplan
$ terraform apply destroy_tfplan
Provision space and bootstrap it with all necessary resources like environments, lifecycles and deployment targets.
$ cd my-space
$ terraform init
$ terraform get -update=true
$ terraform plan -out tfplan
$ terraform apply
$ cd my-space
$ terraform init
$ terraform get -update=true
$ terraform plan -destroy -out destroy_tfplan
$ terraform apply destroy_tfplan
Note: You can change/copy the folder name to any other name you want and provision a space with that name. Also, you can have more than one folder if needed.